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Sure got quiet after 7/25 round here. ;)

How was the 2010 TDF for you enjoyment wise?
Excellent / Great
 16%  [ 3 ]
Good pretty much, glad not to miss it...
 72%  [ 13 ]
Could take it or leave for 2010
 11%  [ 2 ]
Suks, plain and simple
 0%  [ 0 ]
Total Votes : 18

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
Posts: 19137
Location: PDX

7/28/10 9:51 AM

Sure got quiet after 7/25 round here. ;)

So, rate the TDF

Feeling a little Poll-ish today...

EDIT: I forgot to vote.

Although thinking about it, I probably should have put some thing between the top two, and voted there. ;) It had some great moments for me.

Probably more a component of my currently riding more now than since I busted my peg, although late last year was pretty good as well. And the knee co-operating too!

One, if not my fav, was AC attacking AS on the last MTN Stage. Even though he could not pull it off like last year.. He could just sit there all day, but the racer in him made him do it I think.

I dig that kind of racing/moves, and the cat and mouse stuff. Especially when the peloton is
breathing down at the finish after a successful break away about to be caught, almost, and they play with what is behind sparing the few seconds, and what they want to be ahead.

Last edited by Sparky on 7/28/10 10:46 AM; edited 3 times in total

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Steve Katzman
Joined: 12 Jan 2004
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7/28/10 10:05 AM

The tour could have been better if...

1. Lance stayed in the hunt and maybe even gotten to the third step on the podium, like he did last year.

2. Cavendish had closer competition, making the sprint stages less predictable.

3. Frank Schleck would not have crashed out and been able to help Andy attack Alberto in the mountains.

But overall the tour was entertaining. The above is why I rated it good and not excellent.

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Joined: 19 May 2005
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7/28/10 10:40 AM

boring, the queen stage was two guys riding up a mountain together, fast. No real racing, one wet firecracker of an attack by Bert does not make it fun to watch.

early on it seemed to be pretty good but went downhill faster than the racers.

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Joined: 20 Feb 2004
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7/28/10 11:40 AM

I'm finding the new top dogs (Andy/Bert) rather bland, quite frankly. And the way in which this year's race was won (Chaingate) leaves an unpleasant taste in my mouth.

As always, there was plenty of drama along the way. But I hope we don't have to look forward to years of the two buddies Andy and Bert heads and shoulders above everyone else. I don't sense any real fire or spark in that rivalry.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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7/28/10 11:58 AM

"But I hope we don't have to look forward to years of the two buddies Andy and Bert heads and shoulders above everyone else. I don't sense any real fire or spark in that rivalry."

I suspect neither would the powers that be @ 'de TDF'. Then they will start sticking the Team TT back in, and less MTN top finishes perhaps..

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Brian Nystrom
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7/29/10 9:41 AM

It seems to me...

...that the lack of excitement (other than "chaingate") in this year's dual was due to the fact that Contador was nowhere near as explosive as in past years and that Schleck is more of a steady-pace climber. Contador couldn't get away and Schleck couldn't launch aggressive attacks. I suspect that Andy will be working on his strength in the off-season to improve his time-trialing, which should also give him more ability to either attack hard and fast or simply wind up the pace and ride people off his wheel.

With any luck, next year's battle will be more dramatic.

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Joined: 01 Oct 2009
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7/29/10 6:27 PM

Mostly with SK

... except I didn't think it was very entertaining racing. Paul and Phil and the scenery made it watchable for the most part, but it was hardly compelling.

Worse, I am afraid that 2010 is still going to be a lot better than the 2011 version. I am really going to miss LA, and face it, who is going to replace him in terms of charisma, determination, grit, focus, and personality? Evans? Leipheimer, Contador? Sastre? Zzzzzzzz.

I like both Schlecks, but if they weren't great bike riders they would be getting knocked around for their lunch money in any American high school.... as teachers.

I can't stand Contador, but he's not even like Hinault, where you can enjoy hating him. He's no badger, just a little weasel. Fingerbang. Sigh.

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Brian Nystrom
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7/31/10 3:17 PM

Watch for young riders next year

I'm hoping that Sagan, Brajkovik and other young-uns will spice up the action next year. I can't see any of the current over-30 set doing much, as they all seem to be in sunset of their careers. Contador (love him or hate him) and Schleck are the vanguard of a new generation of riders who, as of this year's Tour, have assumed the leadership of the peloton. Hopefully, they'll have some pleasant surprises in store for us starting next season.

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Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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7/31/10 10:19 PM

Taylor Phinney

I look for him to be the next great all around American rider.
Certainly has genetics on his side.
Already has earned two world pursuit titles and finished two Paris Roubaix U23 wins.
Phinney is riding in the Tour of Denmark (Aug 4-8) on Team RS.

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Brian Nystrom
Joined: 26 Jan 2004
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Location: Nashua, NH

8/1/10 5:04 AM


Tejay Van Garderen has some serious potential, too. The future looks bright for American cycling, but we probably won't have a serious Tour contender for at least another year or two.

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