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Bro seeks a ruling

Did Bro fail his challenge?
Yes, the poor sap, as Dan Emery, Esq. put it, "rose to the bait like a largemouth bass" and should pay up
 90%  [ 9 ]
No, cut the guy a break. As Glenn put it, he pushed the envelope but should get a mulligan on this one.
 10%  [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 10

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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2/25/07 9:58 AM

Bro seeks a ruling

Reference is hereby made to the threads titled "The Brodirt/Bill Clinton Challenge is On," "(WOT) Limbaugh" and "looking for additions to Carlins 7 words you cant say on tv."

The challenge to Brodirt was succinctly stated as:

"Bro, I challenge you to go a month without explicitly referring to, or even alluding to, the antichrist that is Bill darning Clinton."

Bro accepted the challenge as subsequently posted:

"WARNING.....ADULT DOUBLE ENTENDRES AHEAD...under the CSI light of Gus Grissom, the infamous blue dress might have looked like this....


Did Bro fail the challenge?

Cast your vote now. I, as the monetary counterparty to the challenge, will refrain from voting. I suggest that it would be appropriate for TTCC to refrain from voting as well. The poll will be in effect for two days. Majority rules.

[Edit - and Bro, obviously, should refrain from voting, and this tribunal duly notes that he apparently has so refrained as of this time.]

Last edited by PLee on 2/25/07 10:43 AM; edited 1 time in total

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Joined: 10 Jan 2004
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2/25/07 10:08 AM

Darning Voting

Why should I not darning vote? Didn't Bill Clinton, Greatest President of Any Nation Ever, get to vote in his own elections? Didn't George W Darning Bush, Worst President of All Time, get to vote in his?


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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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2/25/07 10:15 AM

"infamous blue dress"

Certainly a Clinton reference IMO, and subsequent poll vote reflects accordingly.

I hope I don't get banned for this, so if you do't se anything it means you got here after it gets deleted. ;)

Last edited by Sparky on 2/25/07 10:46 AM; edited 1 time in total

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Joined: 06 Apr 2005
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2/25/07 10:33 AM

Look at the challenge first

"explicitly referring to, or even alluding to"

We have a strict scrutiny standard on one hand and then a rational relation standard on the other. If the standard to be applied was only rational relation, well than Mike would not have set forth the strict scrutiny standard.

Thus the rules of the challenge itself are entirely vague....was I required to not make a specific reference? If so, well, that was encompassed in "alluding to." Why then was the "explicit" reference standard included. It was a modifier to the "or even alluding to standard" creating some hybrid of the two. While clearly a specific reference to the anti-christ would be a violation, a lesser more craftily written one, such as "infamous blue dress," when accompanied by a pithy diversionary reference, such as the "infrared" markings of the map of Hawaii would not be.

What if I referred to Linda Tripp...or for that matter John Goodman? How about pocket books? The intern went into that business a few years ago. How about 30 something women who are too intimidatingly famous to get married? How about chubby 20 somethings? How about cigars? Under the standard you are applying to me here, a reference to Thomas Jefferson, because of the inclusion of "Jefferson" would be a violation. A reference to lying would be a violation, a reference to philandering politicians of any sort would be a violation!!!!!

The guy had sex with a vast portion of the femal population of the US. My reference was to a garment worn by one of them that he did, or did not, happen to have relations with. It was limited to her dress, and not even to her as a person. It did not discuss the use of the dress as evidence in court proceedings or any government action or in-action.

I declare a mis-trial.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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2/25/07 10:47 AM

Motion before the bench

"explicitly referring to, or even alluding to"


Motion denied

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dan emery
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2/25/07 10:56 AM

get out the marmalade, Bro

You're toast!

And like many witnesses, the more you talk, the worse it gets...

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2/25/07 4:58 PM

Forum $$

Forget all this unless Bro and TTCC is willing to put the $$ where their mouths are. Lets see them pledge. Bro can mention clinton all he wants for $$ pledge to the forum. Heck I let TTCC swear all he wants - lets charge him .25c per swear for the kitty... proceeds to the forum.....

I suspect that Atney can then fund the forum for years and vacation in Hawaii with all the $$'s that are going to be flowing in lol...

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2/25/07 5:10 PM


"Forget all this unless Bro and TTCC is willing to put the $$ where their mouths are. Lets see them pledge."

What the darn are you talking about!? Like I said earlier today, I donated $20 to the forum in honor of Bro's darned-upedness. Not that it's any of your darning concern, but I also donated $50 in December.

I see that your last donation was June of last year, and it was only 35 darning bucks.

Maybe, just maybe, you should shut your darning yap about "put the $$ where their mouths are". You know what I'm saying, darnface?


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Joined: 08 Jan 2005
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2/25/07 5:21 PM

Better then the comics.....
so I gave $20.01 more to the TTF....
the extra $0.01 for all the BSing politics...
Thanks to all you boys for keeping me entertained during the winter..

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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2/25/07 5:21 PM

unless Bro and TTCC is willing to put the $$ where their mou

A quick look at the TTF donors page will show TTCC, as well as Brodirt already put money where the mouth is, in defense of contributing members.

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Joined: 10 Jan 2004
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2/25/07 5:33 PM

Defense of Contributing Darning Members

Not only have Bro and I both donated substantially in the past, but I have already Paypalled my darning $20 to Antney today, just like I darning said I would.

Although Bro is a darned-up right/left-wing loony, I am sure that he either already has ponied up his $50, or will be doing so darning soon.

rickhardy should put his darning money where his darning mouth is. Well, first he should pull his head out of his ass.


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Joined: 12 Jan 2004
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2/25/07 6:50 PM

Passing judgement

Regarding Bro's claim of "lack of allusion," this simply does not pass the Duck Test. It looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and most certainly is a duck. If the stained blue dress is not allusion to Slick Willy, then I have to put the cigar back in the humidor.

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2/26/07 7:17 AM

Ahhh, good times!

Bro, I love you man, but you are too darn easy!

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