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A Request for Information - Helmets
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What has been your experience with respect to helmet usage?
I have had an experience where I believe that wearing a helmet saved me from suffering serious (or decreased severity of) injury
 74%  [ 40 ]
I have had an experience where I believe that wearing a helmet caused me to suffer serious (or increased severity of) injury
 0%  [ 0 ]
I have had both experiences where helmet usage reduced the severity and where helmet usage increased the severity of injury
 1%  [ 1 ]
I have fallen or been in accidents while wearing a helmet, but have never felt that the helmet either reduced or increased the severity of injury
 24%  [ 13 ]
Total Votes : 54

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Joined: 10 Jan 2004
Posts: 3404
Location: Eating Dead Deer That Rednecks Kill For Me

12/29/06 3:07 PM

I'd like to hear from whoever thought that their helmet increased the severity of an injury.


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Joined: 09 Feb 2005
Posts: 5225
Location: Back in the snowy homeland

12/29/06 4:31 PM

lol, yeah, me too....htf did that happen?

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Brian Nystrom
Joined: 26 Jan 2004
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Location: Nashua, NH

12/30/06 7:18 AM

I also wonder...

...if #4 should have read "I have hit my head in accidents while wearing a helmet, but have never felt that the helmet either reduced or increased the severity of injury". That would eliminate accidents where no head impact occurred, which are irrelevant to this discussion.

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Joined: 10 Jan 2004
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Location: Eating Dead Deer That Rednecks Kill For Me

12/31/06 11:18 AM

Not Exactly

"accidents where no head impact occurred, which are irrelevant to this discussion."

I don't think this is quite right, since there is a subset of head impacts that occurred while wearing a helmet that would not have occurred at all without a helmet. This is a necessary consequence of the increase in effective head diameter induced by wearing a helmet. If we are going to include accidents with head impacts that would not even have occurred without a helmet, then we need to include accidents in which there was no head impact at all.


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Joined: 26 Oct 2005
Posts: 92

1/3/07 2:58 PM

I'd like to hear from whoever thought that their helmet increased the severity of an injury.


You won't hear anything coz they're all dead. Spun their brains like jelly :-)

I avoid riding with folks who brag, "a helmet saved my life". In future, I'll avoid riding with any helmeted cyclist. Obviously such cyclists up their risk index when wearing the damn things and therefore up the risk index of others in a group.

It's the corollary of Paul's "selfish" rationalization.

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Joined: 10 Jan 2004
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Location: Eating Dead Deer That Rednecks Kill For Me

1/3/07 3:11 PM


"You won't hear anything coz they're all dead."

Someone voted in the poll from beyond the grave?


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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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1/3/07 3:17 PM

Someone voted in the poll from beyond the grave?

You had the proxies, remember...

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Joined: 10 Jan 2004
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Location: Eating Dead Deer That Rednecks Kill For Me

1/3/07 3:37 PM

Hades Proxy

Oh yeah, I forgot. I'm operating a proxy server that allows dead people to connect to the Internet.


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dan emery
Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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1/5/07 10:10 AM

damage caused by helmet

>>I'd like to hear from whoever thought that their helmet increased the severity of an injury.<<

>> lol, yeah, me too....htf did that happen?<<

Since there has been no response, I have a possibility.

A lady cyclist got an elaborate 'do at her hairdresser and cycled home, where she discovered an intractable case of Helmet Hair. She consulted ther lawyer TTCC, who took the case pro bono and sued for Permanent Damages.

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Joined: 09 Feb 2005
Posts: 5225
Location: Back in the snowy homeland

1/5/07 10:13 AM

I never read my Constifuckingtution. Which Article covers hair damage?

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