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"The Last Rider" Documentary

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Tom Price
Joined: 11 Jan 2004
Posts: 510
Location: Rochester, NY

1/7/24 5:45 PM

"The Last Rider" Documentary

For those of you that have Hulu or want to try a 7 day free trial, there is a great documentary about Greg LeMond. The doc covers his full history with the second half covering the 1989 TDF that Greg won by 8 seconds. Back then the tv coverage was at the most an hour a week, so there is a lot of footage that I never saw before. There are also lots of scenes with a much younger Phil Liggett, he sounds the same.

In 1989 I was doing a crit as part of a three day stage race in south west NY and we were shocked when the announcer announced that LeMond was the TDF winner.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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1/10/24 12:05 AM

Pretty long @ 1h 42m too.

How was it BTW? I may wait a bit and just buy it on VUDU 4KUHD. Hulu is also UHD FYI, if you've got the
TV for it. [or TV and box]

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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1/22/24 5:17 PM

Going to update this. I use VUDU to rent and buy into a digital library.

After Tom's PSA on this Lemond movie I went and the rent and buy were pretty expensive, I put it the wish list.

Today I had a look and it was $5.99 to rent, and sale 'buy' price for $5.00. This is what waiting on VUDU nets generally.

So heads up there.

Another heads up, it you get the VUDU/Fandango gift cards over certain amounts you get 10-15% off. So you can rent and buy for your digital library for less even. So in this case I paid 5.00 to buy this in 4k UHD minus 15%.

Also, the sale cards can have a few free rentals digital vouchers, and even credit vouchers for buys on top of the 15%. So check it out.

There is a good amount of HDR if you got the TV for it.
This Lemond piece is UHD highest res. SOme stuff you have options of SD for less than UHD/HDR, yada

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