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EV/Bolt info. EV VS EUV

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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8/31/23 11:38 AM

EV/Bolt info. EV VS EUV

We have a 2023 EUV loaner while the 2022 EV gets ne HV plant installed. It is ready to pickup, got call last night.

The EV is a compact car, and the EUV bigger heavier etc etc. 'UV' kinda give away it's SUV intent I guess.

With added length and rear cargo area shorter, the space behind the driver seat seem huge. Same battery and elec motors I think.

The spec shows not much extra weight @ 90 lb. But it feels like you have two extra 200 lb passengers in it all the time. Even in 'Sport Mode'.

It also feels boring comparatively, one of the EVs best attributes is fun and fast. The EV is only .5 sec faster 0-60MPH spec wise, but feels way faster and is way more fun to drive somehow.

Made it about 200 miles of the 6200 this 'advanced diags' was meant to run. Software found fault, literally apparently.

Anyway... Elaine gets her sport commuter back today. It took a week to do it, as they car coded and stopped taking a charge. Also A/C, heated things, and HV re-gen stopped courtesy of the advanced diag software cripple mode installed before we left for UK.

So we get a new HV module and 25 months newer batteries than the orig purchase. I believe the 8yr/80k starts again with the new HV module. But that is google data I've been reading last year. But good way for GM to mitigate claims so it makes sense. We will still get on board on a class action for diminished use for 25 months due to restricted max charge and subsequent diminished range.

Technology at work. Just only 80% of it for 25 months. Good thing these have 66kWh HV modules and good range...

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Tom Price
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8/31/23 4:08 PM

For longer battery life it is recommended that you do not regularly charge above 80%. If you need extra range for a trip go up to 100%.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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8/31/23 6:31 PM

yes, the 80% for commuting a non issue. It is already set to charge less than 100% for daily use. Would have used it morebfor some trips with a temp 100% for a day or 3. But could not.

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Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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8/31/23 7:05 PM

Is there a minimum they recommend you dischsrge to?

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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8/31/23 7:29 PM

30% is what we stick to. I was going to do a 100% once every 45ish days. But since the recall was anounced and 80% patch went in, any plans we had became moot. That was over a year ago, and then as mentioned an advanced diagnostic patch went in 7/30 or so.

Before the 1st patch, GM specified not going lower than 70 miles. With orig max of 90%. Nothing like buying a car with a 258 mile range and only getting to use 135ish miles of it.

The first patch dropped the max to 80%, but the 70mile low end was removed.
That put usable range about 175, better.

Last edited by Sparky on 8/31/23 7:35 PM; edited 1 time in total

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Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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8/31/23 7:32 PM

If they recommend 80% max and 20% min, thatss only 60% of claimed range, and hot cold weather could reduce it further. Am i thinking about it wrong?

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8/31/23 7:35 PM

You are not. We think one of the kids will get it, so a chargeing schedule we hope will give longest longevity of battery life we are targeting.

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dan emery
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9/1/23 3:41 PM

With my Tesla they recommend 80% for daily driving, up to 100% for trips when you need it. They recommend charging on the road when you are below 20%. I don’t know of any minimum other than you don’t want to run out of juice (the nav system shows you all chargers and whether you can get there). There’s a bit of a drop in cold weather but not big because they incorporate heat pumps.

For me range is a non-issue because I don’t do a lot of long driving, plus there are a lot of Superchargers and charging is fast and convenient. YMMV (literally). I’ll admit I drive an EV primarily for environmental reasons, not economic or convenience. But I think they work on the latter 2 criteria as well.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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9/1/23 4:24 PM

Yeah, the Tesla charging is superior. DC fast charge VS GM fast charge is real, not just faster then Level 2.

Dan, what do you have @ house to charge. We are using a JuiceBox on a 40amp 220v circuit. It puts 7.5Kw into the Bolt per hour, about 30 miles. I forget what the DC fast Combo rate is. I think 1/3 max of what Tesla DC fast does.

We don't pay commercial rate to charge. The main charm [not above not gassing the planet] is filling it up at home, and cheap elec. here. Elaine got a gas loaner 1st day, and traded it next day for the EUV. So she had to fill it, as in actually go a gas station. Not done that for just over 2 years. And does not miss it either. She likes the pump outside the garage door...

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Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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9/2/23 6:11 AM

I wonder if there will be a new service created of trucks with massive batteries and generators that serve stranded motorist a quick charge on the road for those that run out of battery power. ?

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dan emery
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9/2/23 6:38 AM

I have a Tesla charger on a 240v circuit. I don’t really understand circuits and stuff, but I think the electrician who installed it limited the charging as the house doesn’t have a terribly robust service. Anyway, it seems to generally charge about 22 mi/hr. Not an issue. At a Supercharger you get a 1/2 charge in about 15 minutes.

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Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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9/2/23 6:51 AM

Im interested in the new vw id buzz. Im an old van hippie and it would be great for my band equipment.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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9/2/23 2:42 PM

VW Buzz to me is so cool looking...

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Nick Payne
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9/2/23 6:40 PM

Except when on long trips, we charge our Kona EV at home using a Zappi charger, which can track our PV panel output and matches the power going to the car with what is available from the panels, so unless we have two or three overcast days in a row with minimal PV output, we are never charging the car from the grid.

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9/2/23 6:45 PM

What is main fuel source of putting juice on the grid in AU?

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Nick Payne
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9/2/23 9:58 PM

Slightly over 50% of electricity here is still generated by fossil fuels.

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dan emery
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9/3/23 10:54 AM

Nick, a similar feature just appeared in my Tesla app (the same app controls the car and my solar generation). You set a certain minimum percentage (say 40%) to charge as usual, and above that charge only from excess solar generated. Not sure it will make a big difference in my case, but haven’t really thought it through yet.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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9/3/23 11:50 AM

My friend with a Tesla S and Solar system including the Tesla Powerwall, is a wizard with the cfg. I could invite him into the conversation. We've not had a new user here in a while. ;)

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