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Tesla question for Dan...

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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2/14/23 11:00 AM

Tesla question for Dan...

I read you can program the car's audio snippets for system noises/alert tones to farts etc..

Is it fixed or can one add personal samples I wonder.

Seems you should have a FHB ratcheting tone when you put on your blinkers....


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dan emery
Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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2/14/23 11:45 AM

Answer for Sparky

I have no idea

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Nick Payne
Joined: 10 Jan 2004
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2/19/23 3:51 AM

I read you can program the car's audio snippets for system noises/alert tones to farts etc..
When a friend got his model 3 about 18 months ago, his teenage daughter spent quite a while in the car exploring its capabilities and programmed exactly that into the car's audio.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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2/19/23 11:10 AM

I'd have to diddle with it... Was never much in the leave well enough alone camp...

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Matthew Currie
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2/20/23 2:49 PM

I heard if you get the self driving option the sound of screams is programmed in already.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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2/20/23 3:08 PM

But how can you hear them over the driver and passenger screams??? ;)

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Joined: 14 Feb 2004
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2/21/23 10:09 AM

Electric vehicles

This topic is a sore point for me. I just got ride of an all electric vehicle (Ford Mach e Mustang) after a year of ownership. While an EV is probably good in many parts of the country, I found it’s not useful for others. I live in southern Delaware. While there are plenty of chargers, the closest fast charger is 100 miles away. That means I constantly must watch my remaining range or be faced with a couple hours charge somewhere to get enough charge to go home.

My advertised range is 270 miles which seems accurate sometimes. I’ve had as much as 300 miles, but that drops to 220 or so in the winter. A full charge takes 7 or 8 hours at home using 240 volts. Compare that to a fast charger that gets you to 80% in 45 minutes. Even when I’m not going on long trips every time I got in I had to check the charge level. Even sometimes a short trip had me worried I may not have enough charge to make it there and back comfortably.

It just wasn’t worth it to me. The overall network of charging needs beefed up substantially to make EV ownership worry free for many of us. Tesla has a decent network and plan on opening it you next year to non Tesla vehicles but some feel this is degrade Tesla’s performance. Who knows?

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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2/21/23 11:32 AM

Filling with gas is lots faster to be sure. Management for heavy use must be a PITA.

I really think PHEVs like my Pacifica and Toyota Prime etc, will suit more users. 35-40 mile EV range before reverting to hy-brid mode solves range issues totally. I've got over 500 miles on a tank starting out with a full HV battery. I go 60-75 days without hearing the ICE start up with all my local driving. Thus I go 60-70 days without putting gas in it unless on trips.

My retired friend drives Tesla S mostly locally and range seldom an issue even on trips. Running the Interstates Tesla super charging has great coverage.

Elaine's commuter BOLT easy to plug in every day if we had to, just 46 mile a day commutes are easy to not get into low battery state. Once a week in summer, twice week cold, mainly due to all the heating and remote starts. I only charge to 80% anyway for battery longevity sake. Folks pressing the battery in normal use into low state, and/or getting into super low state will probably see range drop offs lots sooner exacerbating range issues as batteries get older too.

The charger I put in @ house can do max intake kW rate both cars can accept. Even Bolt is full by midnight plugged in before dinner time. Try to no let it get under 40 left. Usually more like 70, again for battery longevity.

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dan emery
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2/21/23 1:46 PM

No problems here

I have a Tesla in Maine and have no problem charging. I do almost all charging in my garage overnight. The few times I've needed to charge on the road there has been a Supercharger enroute (the nav system tells me where they are). On the road it's usually about 15 minutes for a partial charge. I don't do a lot of distance driving, but i wouldn't anticipate problems if I did.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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2/21/23 2:39 PM

The super chargers do put in a lot fast. We took friend's S to pickup the S&S coupled Curtlo I bought.
And back seat down 60CM bike slid in hatch, front wheel on too.

We stopped off I-5 on return and just a bathroom break and a few burgers later at a food truck. It charged much more than we needed to get back the to his house, 1-1/2hr @ interstate speeds. Maybe 35 minutes?

The Bolt even @ DC fast does not approach the rate the Telsa Supers do.

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dan emery
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2/21/23 4:03 PM

A few burgers later…..

IME Tesla Superchargers are typically in small plazas with sandwich shops, grocery stores, etc. in easy walking distance. Plus you plug the car in and walk away, so you can get a sandwich, pee, come back and take off. Much more convenient than a freeway service center where you park, go inside to get something to eat, back to the car, drive to get in line for gas. For a given Supercharger, my nav system tells me the number of open stalls and the amenities nearby.

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Nick Payne
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3/6/23 3:45 AM

Filling with gas is lots faster to be sure. Management for heavy use must be a PITA.

An interesting company here in Australia, Janus Electric, offers a service converting semi-trailer prime movers to EVs at the point in their life where they would normally be needing an engine rebuild or replacement. The batteries sit each side of the cab where the fuel tanks previously were, and rather than recharging them in situ, it's a five minute job with a fork lift to swap them out at one of their battery charge stations. Their claim is that post-conversion, running costs per kilometre/mile are about one third that of a diesel prime mover.

Looks like they're expanding into the US as well.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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3/6/23 9:34 AM

I always thought hot swapping would be in the equation. If not initially, eventually.

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Joined: 12 Jan 2004
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3/6/23 3:19 PM

Hot swap

Various hot swap schemes have been proposed over many years but none has really come to the fore. There is no question that either "gas station" battery swaps or a hydrogen hybrid are the only way that EVs will work for long distance travel.

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