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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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7/21/18 9:15 AM


From another link:

"Prudhomme’s appeal for calm seems to be falling on deaf ears, as was demonstrated towards the end of stage 13 when a lit flare was lobbed into the peloton from the side of the road."

It has always been bad on the tight climbs/tops on the passes, but seems like it really is manifesting into some real danger. Who need terrorism when you got fans like that?

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Nick Payne
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7/21/18 5:32 PM

Some teams have apparently told their riders to keep their distance from Froome in an attempt to avoid anything he might be caught up in.

Spectators attacking riders isn't new, though. In the mid-1970s Merckx was punched by a spectator on the climb of the Puy de Dôme.

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7/21/18 5:39 PM

More litigious sorts around now compared to then? ;)

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Jesus Saves
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7/22/18 9:14 AM

The 1st link Sparky provided, reported someone attemptrd to hit Chris Froome and was arrested.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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7/22/18 10:04 AM

How they found one individual among the insane myriad of fans I can't imagine...

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Brian Nystrom
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7/22/18 10:09 AM

I'm not a big fan of the idea of lawsuits, but it seems pretty clear that the ASO isn't going to do anything to protect the riders better until it becomes clear that it's going to cost them big money if they don't. Maybe a million Euro judgement against them will wake them up, though I doubt it's likely to happen.

Perhaps a rider or team strike would wake them up. Who knows?

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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7/22/18 11:39 AM

Used to be it was safer at the front of the race.

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Joined: 12 Jan 2004
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7/22/18 4:34 PM


How they found one individual among the insane myriad of fans I can't imagine...

The video I saw, the guy hit Froome and a course marshal/cop was right there and went after the guy.

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7/22/18 8:19 PM


Seems that a lawsuit would pretty much be the end of the team, sure they might win a million bucks or whatever, but keep in mind that ASO is a private company, you can bet your bottom dollar that the team never gets an invite to the tour and the myriad of the races important races the ASO owns (no matter what the UCI says), that's pretty much the death sentence for the team.
I think its just a lot of bluster of chest puffing by the team.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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7/22/18 8:49 PM

Or leverage that the settlement include specific protection commitments. Then they are looked upon favorably by other teams and riders.

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Joined: 12 Jan 2004
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7/22/18 8:51 PM

They have no leverage, ASO holds all the chips, you play by their rules or you don't play at all.
That's my point, even if they win damages in court they still lose, no judge can force ASO to invite the team to their events.

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7/22/18 10:47 PM

I was suggesting a non monetary settlement in that theory.

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7/23/18 9:08 AM

Union of sponsors? Call me cynical but I think in some lofty circles to be known as "the guy who brought down the TdF" would mean more than forcing ASO to tweak a stage finish for rider's safety, for sporting excitement and for the ad revenue generated by the continued enjoyment of tens of millions of spectators.

What ASO needs to do, ahem, is to buy "one full L' Alpe d' Huez climb's worth" of barricades, lease a nearby warehouse for it, and of course sell advertising on it.

Yes they have barricades, and obviously are not enough. They're bound to have a caravan going stage to stage, but L' Alpe is different.

How about a 1,000,000 investment to proactively get the thing out of court and maintain control?

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Joined: 13 Dec 2003
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7/23/18 9:26 AM

They have no leverage, ASO holds all the chips, you play by their rules or you don't play at all.
That's my point, even if they win damages in court they still lose, no judge can force ASO to invite the team to their events.

They do and they don’t.

As the dominant team of the past few tour, they can threaten not to participate. That would make enough of a wave, or even some difference.

Reading between the lines, they want to be compensated by the insurance company. The only way to do that sometimes is by sueing the organizers.

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Joined: 12 Jan 2004
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7/23/18 10:47 AM

The dominant team? what tours have you been watching?.

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Joined: 13 Dec 2003
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7/23/18 10:56 AM

I haven't watched at all (as I don't normally watch anyway)

I was going by their assertion that he's got a real chance in the tour. If that's not the case, they don't have much "damage" to speak of.

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