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Honda Fit mpg

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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5/17/18 6:15 PM

Honda Fit mpg

Drove right into the back of it in the slow grind south I mentioned in original thread which slows her trip home. Got slowed more today.

She isn't hurt, most importantly. Just fucking great I have to do a diminished value claim on a 1 month old car. And I am going all in.

It is good that I was not there is all I gotta say.

On close examination, the right quarter is shifted up and out 2-3mm, reflected also in door gaps on that side. Also the mid point from the roof to the bumper cover is buckled in also a few mm.

So let the games begin. Again!

Last edited by Sparky on 7/19/18 8:26 PM; edited 2 times in total

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Brian Nystrom
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5/18/18 6:52 AM

Something's not right here; nobody should be getting hit that often. Please don't take this the wrong way, but it makes me wonder if something in the way she drives is the problem, more so than other drivers. It seems as if it's either that or she's the unluckiest person on the planet!

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Joined: 12 Apr 2004
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5/18/18 7:49 AM

Sorry for your troubles. Your 'reroute' post the other day shows the pattern is getting to her, which is lousy.

If you had been there I'm betting you would have been driving and the whole thing may have been avoided. If that's the case maybe she needs to be the chauffeur for a while, for diagnosis sake.

This is probably the wrong time but, thoughts on the 5⭐ rating?

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5/18/18 9:25 AM

What a bummer.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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5/18/18 9:34 AM

Not sure how a different driver avoids getting driven into. I do use my rear views and and am hyper vigilant at the helm. But when the jerk is txting and you are stopped and boxed in....

I am just fucking numb about it, 3 fucking weeks and we have a new car already with serious damage and diminished value.

We dont need a rental, but am tempted to get one and let it sit here.

The truely sad thing is people are actually getting maimed and killed due to the txting syndrome.The totaled crv 10/2017 was bad accident where serious injury potential existed.

Our situation here surely sucks, three cars in so many years. But if some one kills her txting not sure you won't read about a txting serial killer in OR at some point.

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5/19/18 11:13 AM

It got looked at for the estimate. They won't know until the cover is the rest of the way off and on the pulling machine if it is within Honda spec for just a pulling. He suspects it is, unless any crease/kinks are found. Then entire panels have to be replaced. Thus the initial estimate is just for the bumper cover/paint and trim pieces busted up.

Elaine asked if the alternate route would be better/safer. I said adding 40-50 intersection into the equation probably won't help the odds much. ;O

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Jesus Saves
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5/20/18 7:13 AM

That sucks. Maybe you should consider a "psalm 23" vanity license plate. The RR owner in the other thread presumably has driven for many years without incident...

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Joined: 12 Apr 2004
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5/20/18 10:10 AM

Not sure how a different driver avoids getting driven into. Granted, but that's why one observes.

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5/20/18 10:13 AM

I'd bet if i was to drive these same routes nearly as often and in same traffic windows I'd not escape incident either.

Maybe the auto braking collision avoidance like the RAV4 Rental we got after the CRV got totaled should be in every car. And registered owner of owner of the car bill to his/her license $5-10.00 per activation, maybe $15.00 for rear end hit avoidance....

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5/20/18 10:35 PM

Yikes, don't tell me that. My daughter lives there.

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Brian Nystrom
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5/21/18 5:42 AM

I really wonder if all of this electronic crap really causes more problems than it solves. It seems that the more of this stuff we add, the less people pay attention to what they're doing when behind the wheel and the more risks they take.

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Jesus Saves
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5/21/18 6:08 AM

And once marijuana is legalized, stoned driving awaits...

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Brian Nystrom
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5/21/18 9:14 AM

It's already a serious issue in the states that have already legalized it.

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5/21/18 10:24 AM

Already legal here and across the river 4 miles behind where she got plowed into...

Last edited by Sparky on 5/21/18 5:13 PM; edited 1 time in total

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Joined: 12 Apr 2004
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5/21/18 3:07 PM

Once again the selling point to acknowledge another new sin is revenue. The revenue from first dozen years of legalization needs to go to study of how the sin affects the population and what to do about it. Then after the half-way houses are funded and the threshold limits are determined whatever revenue is left over goes to the general fund, or special interest or whatever.

Yeah, right, what's he been smoking?

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Joined: 12 Jan 2004
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5/21/18 3:21 PM

It's already a serious issue in the states that have already legalized it.

I suspect it's been a problem for years where it's not legal as well. There is some data to support more "drug impaired" driving since legalization, but the increase is well within the margin of error, using very limited data from before it was legalized, and has the impossible task of taking into account the reluctance of people to admit they were using a substance that was illegal when answering a survey before it was legalized.

And it could all be following societal trends that happen to correspond to general impaired driving since it's been observed that incidents of drunk driving have increased over the last few years as well.

There is a need for an easily administered, reliable, conclusive road side test for marijuana use. We don't have it yet.

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Jesus Saves
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5/21/18 5:39 PM

If the data is not statistically reliable and robust, then one cannot make any inferences that assert statistical significance (or not) - which is the case with marijuana impaired driving.

This digest explains the upward trend in drunk driving. The study ended in 2003, well before the legalization of marijuana anywhere in the usa.

Basically tbe digest summary finding is this: the lower the price, the more it will be consumed. There is no reason the economic law of demand does not apply to marijuana. Unless you think it is a giffen good - very unlikely.

Furthermore, marijuana is more potent now than in years past, ie synthetic marijuana.

Statistics discussion aside, would you get in a car with a stoned driver? I would not....

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5/23/18 9:42 PM

We swapped cars so I could drop the Fit off at the body shop.

The MPG readout rear 40.2 @ 868 total miles on the clock.
That is pretty impressive to me.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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7/19/18 8:25 PM

FIT Computer is reporting 41.3 MPG now that it is a bit more broken in.

EDIT: Just ran out to the store, 41.4 now. ;)

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