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POTUS Tweet of the week
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dan emery
Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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5/3/18 6:58 AM

POTUS Tweet of the week

Is this awesome or what?

>>Mr. Cohen, an attorney, received a monthly retainer, not from the campaign and having nothing to do with the campaign, from which he entered into, through reimbursement, a private contract between two parties, known as a non-disclosure agreement, or NDA. These agreements are.....

...very common among celebrities and people of wealth. In this case it is in full force and effect and will be used in Arbitration for damages against Ms. Clifford (Daniels). The agreement was used to stop the false and extortionist accusations made by her about an affair,......

...despite already having signed a detailed letter admitting that there was no affair. Prior to its violation by Ms. Clifford and her attorney, this was a private agreement. Money from the campaign, or campaign contributions, played no roll in this transaction.<<

I'm sure DT just rattled that one off....

Man, that gives legal writing a bad name...

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5/3/18 10:36 AM

DT seems to think that he can keep the DOJ in check, and this money legality campaign finance aspect is less important than keeping the NDA intact legally.

But is it intact in fact being he did not sing it? Can he just sign it now and it be the same as signing it in the first place.

I wanna see how much he is going to have to settle with his wife when she leaves and files... Isn't this akin to throwing his marriage under the bus at this point?

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dan emery
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5/3/18 12:02 PM


I don't use retainers so I'm not up on all the rules, but generally they are for fees, not costs and certainly not settlements. But put that aside - I get $35K/month as a retainer, so I use 4 months worth of that to pay a settlement, and I don't tell the client about it? ROFL

And for any funds held for the client's benefit, there are detailed accounting rules for the State Bar, and presumably the IRS. Lawyers are disciplined for "commingling" funds.

I wonder if anyone told Mr. Cohen he paid with the retainer. And interesting to see the books.

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5/3/18 12:46 PM

i guarantee...

...45's prenup with melania is one thing where his legal counsel was rock-solid, lots of practice.

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5/3/18 1:11 PM

"Giuliani later suggested to The Wall Street Journal that while Trump had repaid the $130,000, Cohen had settled the payment to Daniels without Trump’s knowledge at the time." - Time Magazine

This is all super easy to prove with bank records. I don't care how rich a person is, $130,000.00 doesn't get paid out and reimbursed without some sort of bank transaction involved. So we'll see the proof that Trump repaid Cohen before the election any minute now, right? Right?

Sad part is, this will all get blown open and unless the GOP steps up and takes steps to impeach Trump, nothing will happen. So my guess is nothing will happen. Except for maybe another slew of pardons...

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5/3/18 1:14 PM

"A man who is his own lawyer has a fool for his client "

Especially when he is not as much of a lawyer as he thinks he is, nor is actually one?

Stormy Daniels lawyer Michael Avenatti on President Trump's Thursday morning tweets about his reimbursement of Michael Cohen: "Whoever the attorney is that wrote those two tweets is an absolute moron"

"45's prenup with melania"

It's not like the nup sez, if she cheats and not if/when he does. Wait, that would actually not surprise me if it sez that now that I think about it. Wonder who her lawyer was for the PreNup... ;)

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5/3/18 1:42 PM

"Whoever the attorney is that wrote those two tweets is an absolute moron"

That would just about fit Giuliani to a T. I can tell you that there weren't tears shed at Bracewell when he left that firm (about the same reaction at Morgan Lewis when Ted Cruz left).

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dan emery
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5/3/18 4:26 PM


I can't even imagine what Giuliani was thinking of in that interview. It even caught Hannity by surprise. Charitably, a good lawyer would recognize that you have to get the truth out, but if that was the motivation, it was a bizarre way to do it (and likely IMHO had nothing to do with the truth).

I'm guessing Cohen feels under the bus, with the bus going back and forth over him.

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5/3/18 5:03 PM

A statement was made by Rudy that the reimbursement was made over several payments.

One reaction from the legal pundits involved was it sounded like 'structured' repayments aimed to keep them under the $10,000 transaction report mandate. But they said structuring payments was a felony, worse than triggering the $10K report.

The Keystone Kriminals, Keystone Lawyers, Keystone Appointments and Keystone Kabinet. For that matter, this President who lies every hour isn't even good at that: Keystone Liar.

"They're laughing at us" DJT, On the campaign trail, 2016

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5/3/18 9:30 PM

Maybe Rudy is pulling a John McCain? Pay back for Donald leaving him out in the cold after he worked his butt off helping him get into the White House?

The way DJT was treating the people who work for him, I'm not surprised there are so many "leaks"...

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5/4/18 9:25 AM

Rachel Maddow reported that neither trump nor Cohen will tell their attorneys what info is in the siezed documents, and the attorneys are out in the dark as to what they may have to defend against. Madness.

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5/4/18 11:47 AM

Channeling my inner Jesse Jackson

They require loyalty but they don’t inspire loyalty.

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Brian Nystrom
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5/4/18 11:49 AM

You sound surprised. This seems like just par for the course with these idiots. They keep trying to shoot themselves in the foot and their aim is getting better. Hopefully it won't be long now.

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5/4/18 11:59 AM

I was wondering just how many toes DT has/left?? But I guess he has a pool of surrogate toes, and fires each lawyer as he runs out of toes... ;)

I'd have said he/she, but he only knows female lawyers that are Russian. and does not seem to employ them stateside one could guess...

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dan emery
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5/4/18 1:01 PM

legal terminology

I suspect the retainer story is what is known in appellate law as a "post hoc rationalization." The plain English version is "BS made up after the fact."

That type of argument usually does not fare well.

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5/4/18 2:00 PM

Now more/the fun starts/continues watching Rudy get his foot outta Trumps mouth I guess. And then DT's foot outta Rudy's ass?

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5/4/18 2:48 PM

We can make book on the date that Rudy jumps or gets tossed off of the 45 train. I think he has a 50/50 shot of making it to May 11.

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5/4/18 2:52 PM

" I think he has a 50/50 shot of making it to May 11."

I was starting to wonder if the Mooch's record was in jeopardy or not...

Is Rudy just administering the slow quiet ass fuck for not getting the promised AG job?

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5/4/18 3:37 PM

I don't think Rudy is competent, not just as an attorney but in life in general. Sad but I'm serious I do wonder why trump brought him on.

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dan emery
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5/4/18 5:37 PM

It all clear now

"My references to timing were not describing my understanding of the President's knowledge, but instead, my understanding of these matters."

Got it!

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5/4/18 7:44 PM

The wife just pointed out: A man who cheated on his first wife with his future second wife, then that second wife with his future third wife, then cheated on the third wife with a porn star while she was carrying their child, leads National Prayer Day. Bzzzzt..

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Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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5/4/18 7:46 PM

didnt someone give 45...

...a "B+" rating or something. that boggles the mind. SMH.

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5/4/18 8:49 PM

Wife cheater leading the national prayer day

Sorry, that speaks more about those praying than 45 himself.

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Brian Nystrom
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5/5/18 8:13 AM

Hypocrisy is overflowing...

...on the "religious right". In their parlance, they have "made a pact with the Devil". Not that evangelicals are any more hypocritical than any other religious group, it's just their turn under the spotlight.

OTOH, what choice did they have, vote for Hillary, who's equally corrupt and doesn't share their other values (Trump doesn't either, but he at least pays them lip service)?

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5/5/18 11:13 AM



Seems possible being outside the beltway may give this smart lawyer an edge to toppling DT.

Seeing him on Late Show, is his pronouncement that DT will resign before end of term just lip service, or...

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