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Confused, which is the latest Trump thread?
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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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3/3/18 1:54 PM

Confused, which is the latest Trump thread?

Having said that.

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means...

I just got amused [being a simpleton] reading a Slate piece and being reminded of The Princess Bride.

Orange jump suit for Kushner soon? Oops forgot about that nasty pardon thing..

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3/3/18 9:02 PM

You forgot about the pardon thing, but you also forgot that with the pardon comes an obligation to testify on related matters (can't easily plead the 5th) which might be something Trump wants to avoid.

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3/3/18 9:12 PM

We talked about that, I forgot. So some real tossing under the bus is likely perhaps.

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3/4/18 6:44 AM

PA Special election coming up, 18th district in SW PA, gone from uncontested to near-deadlock even though it's being run under the old pre-court order boundaries.

I knew they had compacted the districts but I was surprised to find a few had been moved across the state.

A comparison of the current and court-ordered Pennsylvania redistricting maps. (Illustrates the shapes better than the locations, Wikipedia.)
"In the 2012 Congressional elections, Democratic candidates won 50.5% of the total votes cast. However, only five of the state's 18 Federal Representatives (27.78%) were Democrats."

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Brian Nystrom
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3/4/18 9:36 AM

Gerrymandering is just plain wrong...

...and it needs to end. Politicians should never be allowed to draw up their districts. It's as stupid and corrupting as letting them exempt themselves from laws that they pass and vote on their own pay raises.

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3/4/18 11:54 AM

Dave Stoller: "Everybody cheats, I just didn't know"

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3/4/18 8:05 PM

408th day in office

100th day at a Trump branded golf resort today

Obama, 2922 days in office
307 rounds in 8 years, Golf Digest (ironic headline in link, considering)
333 rounds in 8 years, GNN Golf News Net
No breakdown on how many were at Trump branded etc

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Brian Nystrom
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3/5/18 1:01 PM

He spends a lot of time at the resorts...

...but how much golf does he actually play? He seems to have gained a lot of weight in the past year, so I can't imagine that he actually get much exercise.

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3/5/18 1:27 PM

his variant of golfing isnt "exercise". he drives up to the ball, is handed a club, takes a swing, hands over club, sits back in cart and drives to ball.

each hole does involve stooping to place a ball on a tee and fetching ball from cup.

oh, and he probably stops for mcdonald's at the turm.

<img src= width=800 height=450>

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3/5/18 6:11 PM

On the 'what did stupid do today' google... ;)

Worker removes the Trump lettering from the sign outside the Trump Hotel in Panama City on Monday after the majority owner of the luxury hotel evicted Trump company employees in a contract dispute.

I'd have just changed the TR to CH myself...

And in other news, Italy is following the Populist model of deMOCKracy.


Also, learned about:

The 80 percent and do-it-yourself gun market has thrived within a small loophole of the Gun Control Act of 1968, which made it illegal to make a firearm and sell it without a license, but if you make the firearm and keep it—that’s legal, no background check, serial number, or seller’s license needed.

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Brian Nystrom
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3/6/18 5:25 PM

It's not a loophole...

...the law was intentionally written that way. Among other things, it's to allow someone interested in getting into the gun biz to build and test prototypes before applying for the necessary licensing to go into production, without running afoul of the law. It's also consistent with other laws that allow you to build your own car or airplane for your own private use if you want to, you just can't sell them. For that matter, you can build patented products for your own use, but again, you can't sell them.

While there's a lot of "Chicken Little-ism" around people making their own guns, the numbers are small and I haven't heard of any of them being used in a crime. It may have happened, but it's hardly a significant problem. It does make for scary sounding headlines, which is why the press jumps on it from time to time.

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3/6/18 5:37 PM

Agree, the author using the term loophole for his/her coloring book is status quote journalism.

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Steve B.
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3/6/18 7:22 PM

@ Brian

Thank you for the occasional voice of reason and gentlemanly tone in your responses on the issues of guns and the controls of same.. I happen to disagree with you on it, but know that you always present a well thought out and reasonable response.


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Brian Nystrom
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3/7/18 6:33 AM

Well, I try...

...but I don't always succeed.

I appreciate the fact that we can respectfully disagree, Steve.

Some people don't understand that disagreement doesn't have to make someone your enemy. Maybe it's just a sign of the times we live in, where everything is polarized and sensationalized. Perhaps we tend to assume that everyone is as devious, disingenuous and dishonest as many of our politicians.

Linda and I are diametrically opposed on many political issues, but that hasn't stopped us from having a great relationship for over 16 years. It's all about respect and trust in the other person's motivation. If you respect someone and trust that their views come from genuine concern and they are well-intentioned, you can just agree to disagree and move on.

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3/7/18 7:02 AM

Sounds like you're getting jaded Sparky.

What you need is a nice fresh attack on the main stream media, I mean MSM.

Here, choose any one of theses (sic) - Call it a channel full of smelling salts for the rounds between now and November 6.

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3/7/18 10:34 AM

jaded ?

It is a shit show across the boards.

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3/7/18 12:00 PM

Look what they've got to work with.

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Brian Nystrom
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3/7/18 4:45 PM

"Here, choose any one of theses (sic) - Call it a channel full of smelling salts for the rounds between now and November 6."

Man, that is some bizarre stuff! This is exactly why I stay away from social media and YouTube. I can only imagine how badly a steady diet of this junk would rot your brain. Some of what I listened to sounded like it was written by foreigners, which is also somewhat disconcerting.

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3/7/18 5:03 PM

I guess that is the if don't laugh you'll cry avenue.

I am thinking just seeing the titles without actually exploring the click bate VIDs is a good decision on my part. Surprised I clicked on the link frankly.

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3/7/18 8:43 PM

They're for an audience that only hears what it wants to hear, no matter the source. You're right, the titles and photos are confirmation enough, but the narrative twists are sinister. The problem with feeling compassion for people who are taken in by this 'alternative media' is they don't feel compassion for you, and they vote.

Thanks for trusting me enough to click the link. I wouldn't link to something that might be insecure.

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Brian Nystrom
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3/8/18 6:19 AM

The only reason I did... that I was curious to see what this crap is about. All I can figure is that it must be really quick and easy to write a script, compile a few pics and churn these things out using some template-based software package or website app. It seems so obvious that this is click-bait junk that's as fake as the WWE, that it's hard to fathom that there might be people who actually take it seriously. Even when it advocates views I support, it's still deeply disturbing.

We're living in a serious f-d up world.

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3/8/18 10:29 AM


It seems so obvious that this is click-bait junk that's as fake as the WWE

You would think that, but you would be wrong. The Economist just reported that 30% of the social media content about Brexit originated in Russian troll farms or equivalent. When I read the comments on our local newspaper web site I have a hard time believing some of them are not troll bots - the same wedge-driving comments over and over. But unfortunately they are real people - they've just been trained by reading stuff on the web. They seem to really believe this stuff and hang on tightly regardless of the presentation of facts. It's where we find ourselves.

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dan emery
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3/8/18 4:29 PM

2 for the price of 1

Isn't it awesome that for only one salary we get both Donald Trump and "David Dennison"?

The best argument that Trump wasn't aware of lawyer Michael Cohen's antics is that no one would approve stuff so stupid...

Like a sitting President of the US is going to sue for damages to enforce a nondisclosure agreement with a porn star.....and that all the crap isn't going to come out in discovery...and do you REALLY want to get a TRO in those circumstances?

And that's just the beginning...

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Brian Nystrom
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3/9/18 9:12 AM


I don't doubt that most of this crap is created by people, but I do wonder how much of it comes from "true believers" and how much is from people who are trying to see if they can create the next big internet sensation. Obviously, this is mostly made-up nonsense, so I tend to suspect that a substantial portion is of the latter type. That doesn't make it any less malicious or disturbing. It's somewhat the same type of motivation that some computer virus writers have, but it doesn't require any substantial knowledge or skill.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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3/9/18 10:01 AM

Every lawyer I know is shaking their head over this Michael Cohen/Stormy Daniels fight.

It's a win-win for Daniels.

On the Cohen/Dennison side, either Cohen gets disbarred or Dennison gets crushed.

Cohen vs. Avennatti? Like bringing a knife to a gunfight.

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