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Reading contacts

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Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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Location: Needham, MA

1/22/18 8:21 PM

Reading contacts

Does anyone here have experience with contacts that are designed for reading and normal vision?

I am finding that I am am needing to wear reading glasses for normal everyday short distance things more and more over the last few months. Reading menus, grading student's paper's, computer, reading a digital watch, etc.

It's becoming more a a pain to keep putting glasses on and then taking them off for driving and almost everything else except close-up work. I have read up that the have designed contacts that have fine work magnification, yet no correction for things more tansy 4 feet away.

If you have or wear these, are they effective or is it a compromise between the two extremes?


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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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1/22/18 8:39 PM

I found them effective [multifocals] for close and up to 30-40 feet, guesstimate. For cycling I found them lacking as far vision I found compromised to a point I did not choose to accept.

I like full long distance contacts and use cheater readers to see anything I have to focus on in my hands. I honestly can say I think I stand a good chance of screwing up a tube change without the readers. I can't focus that close with the contacts anymore. No I don't bring the readers while on the bike.

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Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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1/22/18 8:51 PM


My issue isn't stuff 6+ feet, it's mostly 3 feet or less. I have problems with the numbers on my golf watch and cyclocomputer. It would be nice to put some contacts in so I could cycle, golf, etc. without wearing cheaters.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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1/22/18 9:42 PM

Try them, you may feel differently than I did. Your doc will stick them in and let you got home with them.

Do you have any contact lens experience to date? I was already wearing soft for a few decades before I tried the multifocals FWIW. My normal same for all this time I don't even feel them in. I noticed the feel of the Baush/Lomb Multi Focal lens. But I guess you get used to what ever I suppose. Acuvue then Acuvue II have been my main stays.

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Joined: 13 Dec 2003
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1/22/18 9:58 PM

Another option

Have one eye with normal contact but the other eye for medium distance. Your brain may adapt to the slight difference in sharpness of the one eye at distance.

I'm in the middle of experimenting on that option. So far I like it. Just working on fine-tuning the power of correction of the "reading" eye.

It's not a long term solution though. As your eyes keep losing close up focus more and more, there will come a point that you have to use readers. But this option may give you a few more years of NOT having to fiddle with reading classes.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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1/23/18 12:01 AM

The mono vision April refers to worked a lot better for me than the multi focus lens approach.

The problem I had was once it got dark I would get headaches from it driving. If I do that again, I may keep a lens case and saline with me and put in non mono vision if I have to drive for too long after dusk.

The doc gave me a -3.15 instead of the -4.50. I actually had the same script in both eyed until about 5-6 years ago. [was -4:00] My last eye exam which I was putting off due to headaches reading. For fear of how bad my eye had got...

Well they had got better and I was over corrected by -.50 in each eye it turned out. So from 55-60 some changes occurred after decades of not changing.

I lost a lens rubbing my eyes once in flight in a Piper Arrow FYI. ;)

I have seriously considered a reading monocle to wear around my neck. ;)

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Joined: 12 Jan 2004
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1/23/18 9:49 AM


My eyes are probably better than some, but I definitely need readers for any text (reading, menus, etc.) I can still read my watch so I'm thankful for that. My watch is my only on-bike information. I found some folding readers that fit in a small case about the size of a "squished" cigarette lighter. I carry them with me for any sporting activities - cycling, skiing, hiking. I can change a tire without them but would need them for any fine work on the bike.

Yes they are annoying and life was better when I didn't need readers. I lived 49 years without them and now nearly 20 years with.

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Brian Nystrom
Joined: 26 Jan 2004
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1/23/18 12:47 PM

Welcome to the Old Farts Club, Wheels!

Pretty soon you'll be like the rest of us, with reading glasses scattered all over the house. It sucks, but it's just part of getting older. I'm afraid that you're going to have to learn to live with it.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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1/23/18 1:08 PM

What Brian just said pretty much. ;)

Note: is is all much worse in low light you may be noticing. A little bright key chain led light proves useful.

And a FYI: Start looking for safety cheater/readers. Those plastic safety shop units but with cheaters in them. Elaine uses them in the OR, and I use them in the shop and in the yard. So I can see what I am picking up and to put gas 'IN' the mower, not on the deck of it.

We seem to both need 2.50, me on top of contacts, her just to see/read close up.

I tried progressive lens glasses for when not wearing contacts. I hate them, will try no line bi-focals next, or just keep moving my regular glasses down my nose.

I can read fine without my glasses on, it just has evolved to needing the txt/screen like 9-10" from my face. So reading tiny txt in the pharmacy section is just a look over the glasses, or even with readers and contacts, forget about it. But at least there are alway readers on a rack in the tiny txt section. ;)

Last load of cheater/reader just came in last week: got them here' Home depot and other local stores seem to have stopped selling them out here.

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Brian Nystrom
Joined: 26 Jan 2004
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1/24/18 6:53 AM

Source for safety/sunglass

I've been buying them from:

They have a big selection of styles and their prices are excellent.

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