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Trump ET AL
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3/29/17 10:49 PM

Trump ET AL

So now our tax dollars are covering his son in law, and now his daughter, and hundreds of millions for the Southern White House Golf shit!

Last edited by Sparky on 5/8/17 7:21 PM; edited 1 time in total

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Joined: 12 Apr 2004
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3/30/17 4:28 AM

Average working stiff

What about the nugget from a couple of weeks ago about the difference in cost between Camp David security and Mir-a-Lago... the difference was not expressed in dollars, it used "Meals On Wheels" deliveries instead.

In their report "Who Foots The Security Bill For Trump-Branded Properties?"
Boston's WBUR stated DJT has spent one-out-of-three days at Mir-a-Lago and observed how that has been very good for the property.

In the spirit of full disclosure, the story seemed to be considerably longer than the 3:52 stated on the Here and Now website.

It is entirely possible the facts of that story could be intertwined with a 5:31 long Here and Now segment in the same hour: Business Ties To White House Still Prompt Ethical Questions

That's approaching ten minutes on content that included embassys ingratiating themselves by hosting events at Trump properties, responsibility for protecting licensed properties abroad, resurrecting a country club in Fla., etc.

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3/30/17 1:44 PM

invanka's job is "unpaid"

as it should be, since she's unqualified for anything useful!

the whole lot of them are wholly unqualified for anything they're doing for the country.

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3/30/17 2:49 PM

Walter, Pres Moron is fully qualified to learn at the tax payers expense, and look an idiot during the process.

Expect him to do record breaking tosses of folks under political buses. Maybe after the next one, his 'tax reform' fuckup it will be time for Ryan to have some tire treads across his back.

As far as Speakers of the house, we need Newt style maneuver like Herbert got. I don't see Ryan doing it just yet though... But it should be an easier task than Herbert got. I hope he gets the POTUS Moron before the Moron gets him. He ought to know the ropes better and be able to get it done perhaps. When we see him meeting with the Newt, maybe.......

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4/4/17 3:38 PM


“If China is not going to solve North Korea, we will”

What the fuck kind of art of what fucking kind of deal is this?

Tell the country you'd have to borrow the money from to do it, you got this? WTF?

Please get this moron out of the seat!!

Hey dump ass, how about some fake news that the wall is actually already built. We can save the money, and the folks you duped into voting you in won't question you.

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4/4/17 7:39 PM

Bumper sticker

Saw this bumper sticker on a chairlift tower today: TRUCKFUMP

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4/5/17 11:50 AM

That's great!

I almost spit out a lung a few minutes ago.

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4/5/17 12:07 PM

Oh Boy, the Press Conference they just came in on all the channels today was way sobering.

What an inept buffoon our Commander and Moron came across as to me. I could have put 'Amway' in all the pertinent verbiage and been equally unimpressed.

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Brian Nystrom
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4/6/17 5:06 AM

OK Sparky, WE GET IT

You don't like Trump and he can't do anything right. We get that and most of us probably share your feelings. While I understand your need to vent your frustration, this constant drumbeat of criticism and rather childish name-calling is getting tiresome (you're acting just like Trump). Besides, we all have access to the news, too.

Can we please move on to something more interesting and perhaps cycling related?

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4/6/17 8:19 AM

I gotta avoid watching the news..

Cycling Wise:
I have a Series 6 Project One Domane Frameset incoming.
Well, it is getting shipped in the next day or so. So if all goes well I will have a Domane to build/sample. Will do a build thread.

If I like it enough it will retire the 2008 Addict LTD.

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4/7/17 9:37 AM

I think now we really have what we most worried about. How Trump thinks he can just attack another country without congressional approval is way beyond me as far as the legality goes.

59 cruise missiles @ about $830k ea? Quick $50 mil just for the ordinance. In answer to 80 people getting killed. Don't 80 people get killed in Syria every 15 minutes? Not discounting the Sarin, but his choices for distraction are getting to be on a little bigger scale.

Getting effecient over there. Kinda 3-4 birds with 59 stones..

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4/7/17 4:39 PM

Not a Trump fan here - but I'm not sure I understand the brouhaha about dropping cruise missiles on Syria without Congressional approval. We already have boots on the ground in Syria. Weren't those already approved by Congress?

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4/7/17 4:43 PM

Is the congressional approval grandfathered/continuance of O'Bs 2013 Cruise missile presents? I though the Pres could only do the deed without congressional approval if we are attacked on home soil or similar??

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Steve B.
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4/7/17 5:56 PM

The War Powers Act of 1973 gives the President 48 hrs. to notify Congress of military action being taken. Then another 60 days allowed for troop commitment, with another 30 days allowed for removal. Then a declaration of war is required, such as Gulf War II. There's also a more recent congressional act (AUMF 2001) that allows the President to commit to military action, including boots on the ground, if it's action against terrorists.

Typically the President will notify prior, senior members of the Senate and House of impending military action.

Pretty much every President since Nixon has engaged in some form of military action short of un-declared war, but then again both the Korean and Vietnam wars were un-declared, thus the WPA of 1073, with Nixon vetoed and Congress overrode.

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4/17/17 4:29 PM

Somewhat amusing rather than bashing.

Don't want you all to think I am starting to rant again. [maybe this is the next start]

White House Easter Egg Tradition:

The most awkward moment, however, occurred during the National Anthem. Trump forgot to put his hand on his heart when the music started, so First Lady Melania Trump reminded him with a not-so-subtle nudge. Many on social media found this incredibly ironic, since the First Lady was born in Slovenia:

I guess immigrants aren't so bad after all. Considering he married one, and one has to nudge him during the national anthem to do arguably a very American thing.

I am sure he is steaming in the brain dept., but for Pete's sake. ;)

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Nick Payne
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4/18/17 9:45 PM

First Dog on the Moon's guide to preparing for nuclear war

From The Guardian web site:

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4/19/17 11:12 AM

I have been practicing how to "duck and cover." But it's hard to fit my bikes under the desk.

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4/19/17 11:15 AM

My bikes...shit.... ;)

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4/25/17 1:20 PM

Originally posted by Sparky:
I am sure he is steaming in the brain dept.

On Sunday, The Associated Press published a breathtaking 7,924 word interview with President Trump. Only a tiny percentage of those words were assembled into actual sentences.

The transcript of the AP interview with Trump contains 17 occurrences marked 'intelligible'.

I rest my case.

I are a Putz...

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4/26/17 7:14 AM

I love Andy Borowitz.

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4/26/17 7:22 AM


Also from that page.

Jared Kushner Calls Kim Jong-un “Totally Unqualified Person” Who Got Job Only Through Nepotism.

I guess he has learned the 'blame someone else for what you are guilty of' Trump technique well...

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5/8/17 5:12 PM

Well, the 13 year old moronic Trump mentality bleeding down into the GOP senators singing Nah nah hey hey goodbye on the senate floor after barely winning the vote to repeal the ACA... Well... at least France seems to be sick of it. Hope that is global and it flows to the west...

Thought I'd change the original post title, thus the thread title...

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Joined: 10 Jan 2004
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5/9/17 12:10 PM

Well, the 13 year old moronic Trump mentality bleeding down into the GOP senators singing Nah nah hey hey goodbye on the senate floor after barely winning the vote to repeal the ACA... Well... at least France seems to be sick of it. Hope that is global and it flows to the west...

I'm sorry to have to correct this, but those were not GOP senators singing, but Democratic members of the House, opining that their Republican colleagues will in many instances pay for this vote. I hope their prediction proves factually correct, but it was an embarrassingly juvenile stunt.

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5/9/17 2:43 PM

Well, I need to fact check and correct maybe..

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5/9/17 3:38 PM

No biggy, it's just alternative fact

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