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Not A Helmet War Thread

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Andy M-S
Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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4/24/14 6:17 PM

Not A Helmet War Thread

There are no doubt better ways to deal with this, but I was happy to have my Styrofoam hat on tonight. Going down a hill on a residential street, about 15 MPH or so, traffic to the left so I was keeping moderately right. Twilight. I was sitting up to provide an air brake.

I had pretty good lights on.

Suddenly, something popped out of the background and into view--a greyish, 1/2"+ branch and its branchlets, right smack dab at eye level. I did not have time to duck, just to tilt my head forward so the branch hit the helmet rather than across my eyes or forehead.

I suppose I should have been farther to the left.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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4/24/14 6:19 PM

Better news than it could have been. Happily!

Last edited by Sparky on 4/24/14 10:26 PM; edited 1 time in total

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Joined: 13 Dec 2003
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4/24/14 10:17 PM

helmet as face protection

I did not have time to duck, just to tilt my head forward so the branch hit the helmet rather than across my eyes or forehead.

That's exactly what I found my helmet was most useful: protecting my FACE!

I've had 2 spills that requires hospital visit. One of which my head did not touch the ground. But in the other one, my lip & chin got bloodied and banged up. Had I not had a helmet and eye shield on, both of which got seriously deep scratches, it would have been my eyes and nose that got seriously deep scratches!!!

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Joined: 20 Feb 2004
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4/24/14 10:29 PM

I think I need a helmet for trail running. And maybe face protection. Between dodging branches and nearly tripping the other day and almost eating dirt, I can see that a tumble is inevitable.

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Joined: 19 May 2005
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4/25/14 2:08 AM


Face shield? Do tell, what lid were you using.

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Joined: 13 Dec 2003
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4/25/14 11:31 AM

Face shield? Do tell, what lid were you using.

Not a full face shield (in fact, I wish there's one). Just a regular helmet, though combined with regular wrap-around riding glasses, the upper part of the face was well protected. Thanks for that, I only had lower face injuries (lip, chin; dental)

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Matthew Currie
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4/25/14 12:21 PM

Glasses definitely help. I'm reminded of an old Vermont friend who, years ago, crashed in the woods. He broke the lens on his glasses, and his helmet right in half. "Good thing I was wearing the helmet," says he, "or they'd have smelled me before they found me."

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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4/25/14 1:07 PM

Elaine did a chest /chin plant last year. It was new concrete side walk/crossing area, and she leaned to the right to go up and the 1" edge turned her left when she had already leaned right.

Thankfully, there was a low spot on the new cement [where her chin planted] that had a bunch of dust settled after water evaporated. Good dry lube to keep the 60 grit cement from scarring her chin/face. And the STI which I care lot less about...

Helmet did not come into play, but sure could have.

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Joined: 19 May 2005
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4/25/14 6:55 PM

I struggle with glasses of all type. My sweat just fills them up in the first 30 minutes on the road.

My new Atmos helmet seems to help some though, the air flow keeps the sweat closer to my face. It is well designed helmet and well worth the money.

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Joined: 13 Dec 2003
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4/25/14 10:38 PM

2nd incident

Years ago on a mtn bike ride, the bike got hung up on some obstacle and I flew off the handlebar superman style. Not very high speed fortunately. I slid on the dirt and gravel for a good ways, face down.

The thickness of the helmet on my forehead basically kept my face just about an inch off the ground. Again, I got bloodied on my chin but not a real issue.

I came to consider helmet as a face protection more than a head protection. (As a girlie, I do value my face integrity highly ;-] )

Last edited by April on 4/25/14 11:49 PM; edited 1 time in total

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Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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4/25/14 11:12 PM

Looking forward to trying on one of the new POC Octal road helmets that was pre-announced what seems like too long ago...can't decide if they are way cool, or butt ugly...and the air flow is suspect with larger holes but fewer of them.

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Brian Nystrom
Joined: 26 Jan 2004
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4/26/14 5:37 AM

Erik, do you wear a sweatband?

I used to have a lot of issues with sweat dripping onto my sunglasses. A few years ago, I started using Halo headbands, which completely cured the problem. Recently, I've realized that I can use something thinner as long as it's a wicking fabric. I recently bought a buff that I'm cutting into strips, doubling it over and sewing the edge to make a light headband. We'll see how they work this summer.

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