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Toolmaker Paul Morningstar dies in home accident

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Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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1/2/14 5:43 PM

Toolmaker Paul Morningstar dies in home accident

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Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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Location: metro-motown-area

1/2/14 7:26 PM

for being so smart... put your life at the mercy of the consistent, reliable operation of a moustrap controlling a shotgun...that is just the dumbest thing i've heard.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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1/2/14 8:07 PM

I agree Walter, even if it was more high tech than that.

Someone I knew had a friend/neighbor in TN, he had to go into a house after not hearing from the guy for too long. He was dead in the house of natural causes, but apparently the house booby trap thing is not so uncommon. As the guy I knew told me of the situation, he caught a pellet in the cheek on a ricochet and was sure he was out of the path of the trap.

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Dave B
Joined: 10 Jan 2004
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1/2/14 9:48 PM

Apparently he was extremely paranoid and certain someone was out to get him. It seems he was right but that someone was him.

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Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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1/3/14 1:09 PM

There are realities one faces in life that many people shy away from even thinking about, so perhaps by inventing a more discreet, quantifiable enemy or challenge, some folks might be better able to distract themselves and cope.
Much as is sometimes done in politics, where helpless-feeling people are quite vulnerable to being made to feel under attack from any perceived group (unions, immigrants, "1%ers", "Jews"), other than from the voices of power who are pulling their strings while robbing them in broad daylight, stealing their rights and liberties, controlling their politicians and newsmen and polluting their air and water.

That someone would so disregard the safety of emergency workers who might need to enter the house in an emergency is very telling as far as far as their sense of reality and any sense of their own mortality.

But one also never knows if the whole story is really what we read, so often as that happens not to be the case.

I also wouldn't exclude the possibility of brain poisoning, as can happen to fabricators who may inadvertently inhale neuro-toxic dusts, fumes and welding vapors, etc.
And something as simple as sleep deprivation and resultant memory loss can, above some level, induce confusion sufficient to make a normal person dangerous, while living alone would reduce any chances of receiving needed help.

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