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What a day to ride a bike..

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
Posts: 19109
Location: PDX

4/26/13 11:32 PM

What a day to ride a bike..

It hit 77^ here today. Clocked 3-1/2 hours of pedal time. Last 30 minutes my average dropped way down after a short but steep hill. I was done, rather my legs were out of steam. Luckily Elaine headed home and called me about the time I was going to hit the 500' gain in elevation that starts the last 8 miles of the ride back to the house. If it was only gradual 8 miles for the 500'. No, it is about a mile for that gain. 50 miles was enough, I took the ride for the last 8 miles. ;)

Got to get pulled by some fast folks on a tandem for 4 miles or so, which is always nice when you can get it. ;)

Hope all got as an enjoyable day!

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Joined: 19 May 2005
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4/27/13 4:11 AM

Never take the ride. Just take the food. She should have kicked your tail and made you ride up that hill.

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Joined: 12 Apr 2004
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Location: Springfield

4/27/13 8:11 AM

Sounds like a great ride.

I'll paraphrase Frank Shorter, gold and silver Olympic marathoner, on getting older:
You can work just as hard, but the recovery is slower.

A killer ride on Friday might kill the weekend too.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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Location: PDX

4/27/13 11:00 AM

"A killer ride on Friday might kill the weekend too."

Exactly why I decided the overreach of the hill and last 8 miles would be removed form the equation. ;)

Erik, 30 days from now, yeah. I only have 4-5 rides since small rides have not irritated the Femoral Nerve.

Today I feel the presence of a slight radiation, nothing some Alieve should not compensate for I am hoping.

On anther note; The Roubaix VS the Stong: I came around a turn fast on Tues which I pull off on the Strong holding a tight line. It is at a light and I pretty much zip around the corner [traffic light and bike lanes] without leaving the bike lane [much], although close. Well what a difference some geometry makes. I came around on the Roubaix and wound up all the way out to the double yellow. It felt fine, just could not turn the way the Strong does. I may have been carrying a little more speed, not sure. It is only 1" more wheelbase and 1^ HTA difference.

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Joined: 12 Apr 2004
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4/27/13 3:56 PM

Back in the 80's circumstances put me on a low end Trek frame for a while. Very stable, cough cough. The San Diego Velodrome was having an open house, I think Dave Grylls was looking for talent. I fought that Trek like mad but it insisted on it's own line coming out of turns 2 and 4.

Now that I think about it, the frame the Trek replaced was from a mid-low end generic. One night climbing Mt. Soledad I needed to do a U'ee but it was so dark I didn't see it was a divided road until too late. The frame bent just below the head tube and handled better than ever after that. Okay, until the down tube broke at the crimp while climbing to Alpine one morning. Ahh, young and dumb. Made it home!

That 1" and 1* makes a difference for sure.

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