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Richard Sachs on Lance...

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pete hausner
Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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1/19/13 1:07 PM

Richard Sachs on Lance...


Thanks for posting this to Facebook, Evan.

Last edited by pete hausner on 1/19/13 6:54 PM; edited 1 time in total

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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1/19/13 1:18 PM

"it occurred to me how often folks invoke the Cycling is such a beautiful sport and we have to get past all these doping stories and return it to its former glory sentiment."

Let me condense this down a little...

With this link below, which illustrates when that former glory may have been. Time window wise ?

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Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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1/19/13 2:25 PM

There were some good old days

A good read (in my opinion)

A local guy here in New England and a long time racer (now an old fogey) like myself. I like reading his blog:

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Steve B.
Joined: 19 Jan 2004
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1/19/13 7:36 PM

Best commentary I've read so far.

Thanks Pete.

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dan emery
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1/20/13 9:58 AM

That's it

Ride your bike, the rest is irrelevant.

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Dave B
Joined: 10 Jan 2004
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1/20/13 6:06 PM


Ride your bike, the rest is irrelevant.

The same could be said about any sport.

"Play softball with your local bar or church league. MLB is irrelevant."

"Play flag football with your neighbors or family. The NFL is irrelevant"

"Play basketball at the local YMCA. The NBA is irrelevant."

Any professional sport league is about entertainment, not participation.

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Joined: 16 Jul 2004
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1/22/13 10:59 AM

Come Clean Minions

I do not know what John Eustice had to say although I could possibly guess in part a number of his sentiments.

What I do know is that I want to know where all the millions of Armstrong minions are today who, with ubiquitous yellow wristbands and ubiquitous righteous countenance went out of their way - just like their hero Armstrong, "The Greatest Cyclist EVER!" to attack class act and clean machine Greg LeMond for doing the right thing.............

It was beyond unconscionable enough for lying fraud Armstrong to do what he (and his) did and they did with impunity and along the way the Armstrong juggernaught (so saddled with his minions) then went the route of attacking the likes of LeMond (and his minority of defenders) and where are these minions now?

Conspicuously silent. Why am I not the least bit surprised?

Some things are not irrelevant.

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Steve B.
Joined: 19 Jan 2004
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1/22/13 4:00 PM

"What I do know is that I want to know where all the millions of Armstrong minions are today who, with ubiquitous yellow wristbands and ubiquitous righteous countenance went out of their way - just like their hero Armstrong, "The Greatest Cyclist EVER!" to attack class act and clean machine Greg LeMond for doing the right thing............. "

I think you need to differentiate between all those wearing Livestrong wrist bands who are Lance fans, from the others who support(ed) a still valid charitable cause.

Wearing the yellow band does not make the person a Lance Lover. Indeed I know countless who do and really only know about Lance from what they saw on Oprah.


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Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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1/23/13 4:05 AM

It's true that the virtual entirety of the yellow-band LiveStrong fans didn't really know (or care about) the real person that played the LA persona.

But Equinox has a point about all the people who ragged on Greg LeMond. They ARE silent now.

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Dave B
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1/23/13 7:45 AM

Yeah, But....

But Equinox has a point about all the people who ragged on Greg LeMond. They ARE silent now.

Before Greg was shown to be correct about Lance, he had a history of being difficult and abrasive in some of his other dealings and a dreadfully poor business man so it was easy to pass his accusations off as the whining of a sore loser.

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