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Cool Mini Velodrome

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Joined: 12 Jan 2004
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3/11/13 7:48 PM

Cool Mini Velodrome

Neat. It's a bit too big for my backyard, but I can imagine it in a skate park setting; up in Spring, down in Winter. A good carpenter could probably build it for $ 2K, and midsection could be extended.

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Joined: 19 May 2005
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3/12/13 2:30 AM

Looks like it could be a hoot. It would fit in my yard. Hmmm. Directions?

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Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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3/12/13 3:57 AM


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Brian Kelly
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3/12/13 11:01 AM

One more mini-'drome for you

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Evan Marks
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3/12/13 12:56 PM

So whatever happened to the Vandedrome?

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Joined: 12 Jan 2004
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3/12/13 10:51 PM

At least as of 2010 it was for sale:

Vandedrome, portable wood and steel track, 154-167 meters, 48/16 degree turns/straights, built in 1994 by John VandeVelde, partial restoration in 2008-2009, needs new racing surface, currently stored in Lancaster, PA awaiting a building site. Owner: Major League Cycling, Inc., P. O. Box 10695, Lancaster, PA 17605-0695, 717-468-8080,

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Joined: 12 Jan 2004
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3/13/13 6:20 AM

Red Bull played with a mini velodrome for a while.

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Joined: 12 Apr 2004
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3/13/13 7:54 AM

Figure 8, no inside line

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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3/13/13 9:43 AM

Is there and official size? Like fields/courts [Olympic size pool, etc] are for sanctioned sports??

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Joined: 12 Jan 2004
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3/13/13 10:01 AM

I've ridden that figure 8 track (The Human Powered Roller Coaster) and the man who designed it was a prof at my school (John Consolati, you'll see his name in the corner of the photo) It's a blast. It was transported back and forth between Vancouver and Toronto for a few years, something you could afford to do when cigarette companies were still allowed to sponsor sporting events in Canada. When Dunhill was told they couldn't legally sponsor the event anymore the track was mothballed. There are differing reports to what happened to the track in the end from it being in storage in a warehouse somewhere, probably next to the ark of the covenant, to it being used for firewood.

The last time that track was set up in Vancouver there was live bands playing in one loop and spectators in the other. It was truly one of the most amazing indoor "sports" events ever being incredibly grassroots, accessible, fun. There was no security, no admission for spectators, on practice days/evenings anyone could put their bike in the queue and take a spin on the track, it was great. So sad that it will probably never happen again.

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Matthew Currie
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3/13/13 12:23 PM

Back when I was a teenager I went to a private school that had an elevated indoor running track in the gym. It was rarely used, and slated for demolition. I used to take my bike up there and ride it, unaware of real velodromes but knowing a good thing when I saw it. It was smooth, banked, and reasonably proportioned. The administration thought I was crazy and I got in a lot of trouble. I will be forever amazed not only at their density but at how protective they were of a facility which shortly thereafter was removed from the building with a chainsaw.

Now I can't ride on the road, and still don't know whether I'll be able to ride anywhere yet without falling down, but I sure wish I could find an indoor velodrome like that one again!

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Evan Marks
Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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3/13/13 12:27 PM

Vandedrome is apparently still in storage in Lancaster, but now being offered free to any group that can come up with a plan to resurface it and put it to use

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