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130 to 135mm Proprad disc wheel swap update.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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12/21/12 7:06 PM

130 to 135mm Proprad disc wheel swap update.

Picked up some Giant wheels off a higher end 29er for the Poprad disc. 24mm wide rims and the 28C GP4 sit beauteous on them.

Flanges are 10mm wider, which is mainly what I was looking for, well the 24mm wide rims too of course.

Slipped in easily with a gentle pull on the stays. The disc seemed a touch more outboard. A quick realignment to re-center so equal pad extension upon braking, and done.

Should make for a more stable wheel and tire to the road...

Let's see how the chain line diddle effects shifting performance on the road.

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Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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12/21/12 7:29 PM

Can you tell any difference in the stiffness between this one the older 853 versions? I had other 853 frames that were too soft at my frame size and my excessive weight. I like frames with some flex but the 853 was too soft.

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12/21/12 8:02 PM

I found the same with two 853 frames I have ridden any amount thus far. I let the Serotta fly without building it has a 61.5CM top tube is clearly to long for me. And I am done with bikes that don't fit me. As much as I wanted to build the 853 Serotta up, just to see how Ben's 853 efforts might be. I did put it in the hands of someone I will be riding with and should get a spin on it this coming season though.

I actually can't ride for a bit. So another update: I am still recovering from driving the little company car my new work gave me pinching my Femoral Nerve. I have been numb from my hip to my knee for a few weeks. And that is the sensory branch portion of the problem/nerve. Big guys and tiny cars do not mix...

Unfortunately I have also had some motor function effected to the quads. So @ 1mm per month healing for nerves according to the doc, it may be a while before I can report on the OX Vs 853, and I am eager to see myself. I have about a 1/2 mile on it so far. ;O

I am getting some improvement now @ 3 weeks out. But without the benefit of $MRI$, it is only guesswork how long a section of the nerve got rubbed he wrong way. And when they figured out quickly it was not my spine/back, $MRI$ got ruled out as far as getting it past the INS. Although ultimately that direction shows a better prognoses. But when I touched my toes @ the Neuro's office, it was clear my vertebrata was not the source of the impingement.. But I can pick my toes up on my right foot while standing again finally.

Fun Fun Fun...

Other than that, and sorry for the novel, when I had the 853 Poprad I also had 26-7" diameter thighs. Them days is gone, and not sure ultimately my opinion on stiffness one VS the other as a valid comparison has much use. I would be going from memory, and that has lost more inches than my thighs in 9 years. ;)

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Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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12/22/12 10:32 AM

You probably know this, but in 02-04 Lemond also marketed the same 853 frame as a "Wayzata" . It was built as a flat bar bike. There are a few of these around and they can be sleepers for those that like the frame.

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12/22/12 10:51 AM


Yep, I had a eBay search for both going on for a long while. Until I decided I would only do the disc bike. Which IIRC, no Wayzata disc was made. At least I had not seen one in my search history.

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12/22/12 10:54 AM

No, The disc versions started in 06 I think. They also had a road version of the Ox Platinum called the Sarthe. I think it was from 2005-2008. Probably a nice road bike.

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12/22/12 11:14 AM

Was a canti wayzata still sold when the OX disc Poo-Prads began is the question ?

I wanted this freaking bike for a long time. I hope I have not skewed it to the point I could not be satisfied with it. Such as brains and prospective go et al. ;)

I put fenders on it after the 29er wheels last night. It is in PDX commuter mode, arguably perfect for the task. The Trek Portland being the pinnacle production unit here maybe. Except for the aluminum. ;)

But maybe the AL is better for wet crud ultimately, and most folks run such big tires the ride is in the air volume as opposed to the frame. More of a winter bike than a commuter for me anyway...

Still amazed at how fast and what these sell for used in even the worst condition. And maybe more so regionally? But maybe not either judging by the closed auctions on eBay.

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dan emery
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12/22/12 11:37 AM

Big guys small cars

Spark, sorry your leg symptoms continue, hopefully they heal fully without intervention. The relation to car seats is interesting. I mentioned before I was having very intermittent back pain, mostly after getting out of my car. I have an A4 so pretty low seats (but not sports car low) and I had them set low to maximize headroom. Anyway, as I can adjust them 8 ways, I set them a bit more upright and dialed up the lumbar support, and no episodes since. May be more correlation than causation, but I'm calling it good until a recurrence. Great input from my TTF buds.

That is a honkin' tt on the Serotta. I had a "long tt option" on my Colorado II which was 59.5 on a 59 c-c frame. Liked it then, but it's a little too "out there" for me now.

Shrinking thighs, lol. I've always been known for big thighs, think they used to be around your old range. Just measured, now 25". But then I'm now 195 lbs instead of 220+. Even so, I almost never notice flex in any equipment so I guess I'm weak.

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Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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12/22/12 1:11 PM

Was a canti wayzata still sold when the OX disc Poo-Prads began is the question

No. Disc began in 06, Wayzatas were from 02-04. Ox Plat began in 05.

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12/22/12 1:23 PM

" The relation to car seats is interesting. "

Chalk me up for learning that the hard way.

I am used to full size trucks with captains chairs and symmetrical arm rests etc. I do not think it gets better than that... In the seat dept., fuel consumption dept. not withstanding...

Thanks for the leg up on the pinched nerve. At least the total numbness that feels like a blow torch is being pointed at the face of my thigh has mostly subsided.. That was pretty bad.

Good part was that at the dr visit, my lowest weight since before I broke my leg in 2006, and BP of 118/78. Good bike year, I can't wait for next season especially coming out of the Computrainer use into the non wet season.

I fully intend to break the 200 lb barrier early into the season. Looking forward to having to pedal less me up hills. ;)

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12/25/12 12:22 AM

Test Hosted Disc poprad disc pic

<img src="" /img>

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12/25/12 12:25 AM

Pic CT spin scan screen cap

Anyone understand this, or do I need to explain?

<img src="" /img>

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Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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12/25/12 5:45 PM

Well, I really don't understand it. 107 cadence? Watts?

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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12/25/12 10:39 PM

the 107s are the Average torque angle.

easier to post this link:

my cadence sensor need to be moved basically.

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