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Hardy's down...
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Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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11/30/12 8:33 PM

Glad to hear the healing process is well under way, and hopefully all up-hill from here.

"Still numb down the leg, so some nerve damage seems to have occurred."

Not so fast, a lot of things can put pressure or tug on a nerve, since some of them (nerves) are of considerable length.
A localized hematoma, tumor or inflamed tissues such as a tendons, organs or digestive tract can all impinge on nerves for a considerable length of time, and no doubt I missed most other possibilities. I believe the nerve itself can have inflammation(?), and there are chemical and circulatory causes as well that can affect nerve behavior.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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12/3/12 10:39 PM

Femoral nerve damage, possibly totally recoverable.

No stick shift, no low bucket seats. Loose clothes and no belts etc, and time.

Getting some suspenders and going to use a satchel/tool bag instead of a tool belt for my measuring tools for a while for inspections.

Rode the bike today, and it was a very short ride and maybe not the best idea. But I wanted to see and ride the latest addition, the disc Poprad a little....

Last edited by Sparky on 12/12/12 5:56 PM; edited 1 time in total

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Joined: 12 Apr 2004
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12/3/12 10:56 PM

Yeah, the posture leaning over bars might not be what the Dr ordered. All the other measures are great. It sounds like the vehicle was the trigger. Steady as she goes, now's not the time to compound the injury.

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Matthew Currie
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12/12/12 3:55 PM


Anyone know how recovery is going?

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pete hausner
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12/12/12 6:18 PM

Spoke with Rick late this afternoon...

Had the collarbone work done yesterday. He's home and mending...ensconced in his chair, chafing to be beyond all this nonsense.

Still dealing with the ribs healing as well as recovering from this go around, but he's expecting to be back on the bike this spring..or earlier if weather permits....and on his trainer as soon as he can.

He's one tough guy...

I'll see him tomorrow,


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Andy M-S
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12/13/12 8:24 AM

Pass along a "howdy"

from all of us. I keep getting his ad on LinkedIn...

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dan emery
Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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12/13/12 8:38 AM

talked to Rick the other day

And he didn't sound any less coherent than usual....haha just kidding, Rick sounded real good considering the circumstances. No whiner there.

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Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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12/13/12 9:06 AM

Talked to Mrs. Rick last night

Aside form him not being able to ride, and not real mobile with his arm in a sling, he is just as grump as normal, well may be a little more. I am trying to get him to my house this w/e for some holiday cheer. I may stop by tonight and bother him.


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Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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12/31/12 10:56 AM

I'm Baaaack

Time to dust off the Computrainer....

Thanks everybody for everyone's well wishes. If anyone is interested in the gory details here they are (If not skip to the next paragraph)

I was trying to get some additional training time this fall for cyclocross by commuting to work. Knowing that I was going to get out of work early the day before Thanksgiving I rode into work. I was in a position of having to avoid a pedestrian crossing in traffic (cutting between a long line of cars waiting for a stop light to my left) coming out out of nowhere on a slight downhill my last thought was not to hit her! (didn't) and ended up going down (from that point I don't know what transpired I may have gone over the high side or hit a parked car as my damage was all on my right side) resulting in 18 rib fractures on my right side ribs 1-9 front and back, scapula, axiom, chromium, clavicle fractured, lung bruise. Ended in the hospital for 5 days. Surgery was Tuesday the 11th, stayed overnight and was released on Wed pm late. Went well. The surgeon put in a plate and did a lot of sewing up torn ligaments. They had me self-administer pain med after the nerve block wore off. Then wanted me to switch to Vicodin as the oxycodon I used in my previous stay I did not like. I didn't like the vicodin either so went back to using tramadol. Pain on the ride home was @ 8-9 and was bad for part of the evening. I then slept the night and the pain went to a "2"... They put in a plate and had to do a lot of work restringing my ligaments which I supposed is what hurt. Miraculously though things are improving fast, I am more mobile without my shoulder drooping and now stabilized. I am able to do more stuff myself and getting better sleep. My ribs are feeling better as well. I went to see the surgeon on the 20 th things look good arm in a sling for another 4-6 weeks with PT coming in our weeks after our next appointment, see how long it is before I can get on the trainer. I am really atrophying all over and get tired pretty easily, so it will be a bit of a long march back to bike race fitness...missing the bike but I guess if I am to miss time now is the time, although last year was very good I came into the season fit with a 6 lb weight loss. and with downtime in June was perfect in retrospect came back strong and was motivated all through cross season when I got 7 races in before the accident

Got on the Computrainer for the first time yesterday (only for 30 minutes with arm in sling) since the accident on 11/21 - 18 rib fractures, collarbone broken in three places, plate inserted via surgery ligaments sewed back up on the 11th, broken scapula, axiom, chromium, bruised all starts now from here on

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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12/31/12 11:59 AM

Happy New Year!

I remember that first week in Jan 2001 getting on the CT and basically sitting upright except the occasional right arm reach to diddle the rear STI. 4 cracked ribs, bruised sternum and clav in 7 pieces, no plate or surgery. About 31 day post crunch for me.

Thar year was following was my best ever year on the bike too.

Wishing that for you Rick!

BTW, we just got a dual CT setup. Elaine asked me yesterday if I set up her side yet.
If my non roadie wife gets into riding, and i could do a nice 25 miler with her for our 30th anni 4/9/13 I would be one happy husband and rider I can tell you. Fingers crossed.

Heal Well!!

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Andy M-S
Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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Location: Hamden (greater New Haven) CT

12/31/12 12:22 PM

Welcome back!

Very glad to see you here again! Yep, time to start getting back on the horse.

Bike commuting is one of those interesting activities. In spite of hi-viz, lights (I have brighter ones now) etc., I have been taken out a number of times over the years--including, now that I think about it, once by pedestrians (they were jogging toward me, 4 abreast, on the trail, early one morning in, IIRC, January; I had to move right and caught some black ice toward the side of the trail...I still refer to those pedestrians as the four horsewomen of the apocalypse).


I hope all goes well and that you make a stunning comeback!

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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12/31/12 12:45 PM

Glad to hear that you're well on the long road to recovery. Here's hoping for a great 2013 for you and your family!

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dan emery
Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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12/31/12 1:15 PM

only 30 minutes?

Let's ramp that up Rick, we've got a title to defend. :)

I've been crosstraining, snowshoing through 18" of heavy snow, shoveling, raking the roof. Hey, at least I know I have some muscles I'd forgotten about, because they're sore! Rode back from lunch today, roads are pretty clear.

Great to hear you're on the mend. Happy New Year!

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