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The yearly light at end of the tunnel, Spring forward!

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
Posts: 19183
Location: PDX

3/7/24 10:49 PM

The yearly light at end of the tunnel, Spring forward!

It starts with me moving light timers later and later in my out buildings. I start to get excited about riding outside after the wet cold season here. Nice days here and there in the mid 50s starting mid Feb usually. Between 5-6 stents of rain, usually light but occasionally heavy as well.

The real enlightenment for me is Sun, springing forward as the uplifting deliminator.

Tomorrow will be 57-8^ and I will leave my CT for a 30 miler outside... Ahhhh..... I will be happy for my CT days once out, less suffering initially with some fitness base etc.

Enjoy it youz guiz...

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Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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3/8/24 7:17 AM

I think we move the clock the wrong direction in the fall. Id much prefer light until 7pm here instead of 5pm.

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Joined: 12 Jan 2004
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Location: Midland, MI

3/8/24 9:55 AM

I think we move the clock the wrong direction in the fall. Id much prefer light until 7pm here instead of 5pm.

You just live on the wrong end of the time zone. Where I went to college, we were eastern time and 100 miles west of Chicago. When we switched to Daylight Savings time back in the early '70s, every drive-in theater went out of business because it was still light at 10:30 at night. Even where I live now, our Solar Noon is 1:45 in the summer, 12:45 in the winter. I remember visiting Connecticut in late fall and sunset was around 4:00 PM.

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Brian Nystrom
Joined: 26 Jan 2004
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Location: Nashua, NH

3/8/24 5:58 PM

My dream would be for this weekend to be the last time we ever change the clocks. Change them, then leave them alone, forever.

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dan emery
Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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3/10/24 5:22 AM

combining threads

Good thing the computer, phone and cable remembered, because I didn't - I would have missed the first hour of Paris-Nice!

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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3/11/24 7:39 AM

Ahhh... even a 70' day this week mixed in with 5 mid 60s here.

Computrainer may get last ride today for a while maybe...

tizcycling chock full of spring Classics and early stage races fyi.

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Joined: 09 Feb 2005
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3/13/24 6:40 AM

I've already been out several times this year. Today is gorgeous and I should be out but all my bikes are in various states of getting ready for spring which seems to have already arrived. Off to the basement in a moment.

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Brian Nystrom
Joined: 26 Jan 2004
Posts: 5117
Location: Nashua, NH

3/14/24 4:50 AM

I've been getting in a few rides, offroad when it's cold and/or windy or the roads are sloppy, and on the road when they're clear and the weather cooperates. Up until this week, I really felt like crap on the bike, but during a gravel ride on Tuesday and a road ride yesterday, I finally started to feel pretty good. Hopefully, that's a harbinger of things to come! Tonight's conditions should be good for another road ride, so we'll see.

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