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Good day...

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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Location: PDX

2/2/23 5:42 PM

Good day...

I am having a run too. Got 2 Les Pauls Monday, one a 52 year old very desirable one I've lusted for for 45 years ;0

Today even better. I am not serious enough of a cardio risk afterall. Cardio Dr, referred me back to the GP. My 'dilation' issues are not increasing for 4 yearly echoes. This is stellar news, and took me off one of the 2 Meds, and these effect max HR, so the dream is to get off the other one too. ;)

Crater Lake Sept. climbs having 30 BPM stifled off the top due to meds made for less fun. The extr weight didn't help either. And slowing coming down in this regard as well..


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Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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2/2/23 6:26 PM

Thats great news im not on any cardiac meds but my max heartrate seems pretty low anymore.

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dan emery
Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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2/3/23 9:48 AM

Good news. Hope you feel a boost. I think my meds knock off some beats on max HR, but I cqn't say I notice it or think about it. I'm slow mostly because I'm slow....

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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Location: PDX

2/3/23 11:19 AM

Plus my attention to consumption since new years res to loose weight is netting results. Going a slower route than 2018.

Not doing the crash eating I did 2018 to loose the 39 lb then. But gotta loose 16 more to get back to the 2018 197lb. I was 222 lb last Sept for Crater Lake approx 3800' accumulated ups. Be better if I did not like food so much...

Weight makes the most difference climbing for me. And probably need for the Beta blocker. ;)

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Joined: 09 Feb 2005
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2/3/23 11:19 AM

Good news!

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