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New Year’s Resolution

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dan emery
Joined: 11 Jan 2004
Posts: 6913
Location: Maine

12/31/22 2:58 PM

New Year’s Resolution

Reading through a typical article on resolutions for next year, one jumped out at me: ride my bike 100 miles a week.

I like the simplicity…..I rode today, anyway, will ride longer tomorrow I resolve.

Happy New Year all…..

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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Location: PDX

12/31/22 4:22 PM

I also planned a change up for 1/1/23.

My plan I've done before was/is no more than 2 days off or on in a row. But I am going to add in mile track too reading your idea.

I expect Jan/Feb to be Computrainer heavy. Few month back I grafted the CT load generator onto a Kurt Rock And Roll frame with a little DIY fabrication welded bracket. I like the extra core work to keep the balance point instead of the CT stationary frame. Front wheel on a turn table. So a twist of the bar on the front wheel mounted turntable balance adjustments are many. Liking the extra albeit minute core effort.

I intend to do 85% zone 2 with one day/week interval strength Jan. 75% Feb and so on.

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Joined: 12 Jan 2004
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Location: Midland, MI

1/1/23 2:56 PM


I'll take a hint from Henry David Thoreau: simplify, simplify, simplify.

"ride my bike 100 miles a week"

becomes: "ride my bike"

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
Posts: 19137
Location: PDX

1/1/23 5:14 PM

Indeed. 43' and some blue sky, zero wind. Got to ride outside day one 2023, nice.

Of course the stupid polar beat app shit, so fuck that. Just going by time rolling for outside, I want to ride not fuss with crap...

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