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Grumpy old man post- tubular durability

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Joined: 09 Feb 2005
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11/7/22 9:52 AM

Grumpy old man post- tubular durability

I've ridden/raced Conti Sprinters for well more than a complete season before, maybe putting as much as 10-12k hard miles on one set. I put a set of Gatorskin Sprinters on my Strong in early July and today I noticed the rear wheel is worn through to the fibers. By 'noticed' I mean the tire went flat and I realized I hadn't actually inspected the tread in about two months but based on past results had no idea that I needed to. Still, flatting is partially my fault.

As for this set of tires I'd guess they have no more than 3.5k mi on them and a little over 4 months total use. I have no evidence there was anything rubbing the tire and it's the rear/drive wheel so all the forces went though it. Looks like this is just a weak, non-durable tire. If this is normal, it's truly sad to see how quality has fallen since the last pair of tubulars I rode 20years ago.

<img src= width=500px>

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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11/7/22 10:02 AM

My rears wore fast when I was 236lb. I stopped using Vit CX and Paves. Once I got to 200lb I could use without seeing noticicable flat spots in 500 mile of use..

You find glue anywhereb to buy yet?

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Joined: 09 Feb 2005
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11/7/22 10:44 AM

No glue, tape. The Effetto Mariposa tape worked brilliantly and was SOFA KING much easier than glue. Now I have to figure out how to remove the adhesive but remounting will be a relative breeze.

As for weight, that's pretty interesting. My previous experience I mentioned with longevity was definitely when i was closer to 200, am still nearly 230 atm

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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11/7/22 1:15 PM

Question is do you have the tape/mastik in hand? Seems I've been reading about short supplies of serious nature...

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11/7/22 1:31 PM

Just ordered it.

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Joined: 12 Jan 2004
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11/8/22 10:31 AM

I ride Conti clinchers but seldom get more than 4 K miles on a rear tire. At that point the casing threads are just getting visible through the tread and the wear dots are gone. I weigh about 78 kg/175 lb. and am not that strong a rider any more (18-19 mph on the flats). Tire wear is a function of rubber compound, tread thickness, tire pressure, and power output. Tire wear is caused by the scrubbing action of the tire transferring power to the pavement so when lower pressure gives you a bigger contact patch then the power per unit area on the tire is lower and wear is lower. Your tire was obviously well past "worn out."

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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11/8/22 10:38 AM

Riders over 200lb on 23mm tires is going to wear tires. Small contact patch and just moving bike/rider weight is high avg watts, no less FTP workouts and intervals etc.

My tubs are mostly 28-30mm last 2 seasons now. I am not seeing much wear. I run 80 PSi +/-5 f/r.

Curious Rob, what is the 2022 3rd quarter inflation adjusted cost of the Mariposa??

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Joined: 09 Feb 2005
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11/8/22 12:04 PM

Curious Rob, what is the 2022 3rd quarter inflation adjusted cost of the Mariposa??

<img src=>

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Brian Nystrom
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11/8/22 6:48 PM

Rob, in my experience, 3500 miles on a rear Sprinter is pretty good life. However, that one looks really nasty; mine typically just started showing bare spots with visible threads.

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Joined: 09 Feb 2005
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11/9/22 6:19 AM

in my experience, 3500 miles on a rear Sprinter is pretty good life.

Perhaps I'm misremembering, it has been over 20 years, but I seem to recall getting far more miles out of them in the past. To the tune of 3-4x as many.

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Joined: 10 Jan 2004
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11/9/22 8:02 AM

No way anyone over 175 lbs gets more than 3k or so out of any rear tire. Sprinters are stout (so stout that one could question as to why bother as they don't ride like, well, good tubulars) but not 6-9k stout.

As to glue shortages, no issue with tape - there is specifically a shortage of Vittoria Mastik one in cans, which has increased demand for other stuff. Supposedly there was some sort of a production interruption, but some online retailers (ie Excel) are listing it as expected at the end of the month. We'll see. I have an almost full can and have been hording.

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Joined: 09 Feb 2005
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11/9/22 10:42 AM

Well then I'll have to realign my expectations. Not the first time I've remembered something incorrectly from the last time I rode seriously.

What I haven't forgotten is how not fun starting a ride in below freezing temps is....which i got to experience for the first time this morning. Also as a Z1 ride, warming up never fully happened.

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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11/9/22 11:07 AM

I went out @ 41^ yesterday. It would be fine with out a 20 MPH wind chill, that's before rolling...

Time for the woods I guess..

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Joined: 12 Jan 2004
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11/10/22 3:38 PM


I seem to recall getting far more miles out of them in the past. To the tune of 3-4x as many.

I think the joke is that the first thing that goes is memory and I can't remember what the second thing is. NO WAY did you get that kind of mileage.

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dan emery
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11/10/22 4:52 PM

But Kerry…

That was on 22mm tires inflated to 140 under a 200 lb racer, I believe.

O ye of little faith…..

Although, I don’t recall ever wearing out a sewup. I think they all flatted before I discarded them, and I didn’t repair flats.

Last edited by dan emery on 11/10/22 5:06 PM; edited 1 time in total

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Joined: 09 Feb 2005
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11/10/22 5:05 PM

I think the joke is that the first thing that goes is memory and I can't remember what the second thing is. NO WAY did you get that kind of mileage.

I will not argue, but the memory is clear that I raced and trained on a set for at least a full season which, back then, would have been far more than 3.5k. I have no issue believing my recollection is wrong especially after all this time and all that whisky.

[EDIT] sorry, that maybe read as I'm disputing the assertions of the group. Quite the opposite, I'm assuming that my memory is incorrect.

On another looks like my spare is a 650c and I can't find the order in my account to see if it was my mistake or theirs.....what in the actual?

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