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Weight Bounce [hydration?]

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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7/24/13 1:52 PM

Weight Bounce [hydration?]

Not usually a scale addict, but I am in actively working on it. [loosing weight]

Thus opinion on:

Effect of pre and post ride weights.

I get as much as a 5 lb difference. Is this just water?

Example: 47 mile with two hard accents, 208lb. Rest day, then recovery spin ride, shower and 213lb. I hydrate well, but the need to rinse the helmet strap salt off tells perhaps. It is mid 80s mostly now which I love about here [usually].

I of course like the 208 figure better considering target is 190lb. Good news is I was 230+ in March, so progress is good. Avoided hills for last 45 days in an effort to not build muscle mass like I did last year. But lately with the lower weight and fitness
getting reasonable, digging the challenges.

Wondering if I may expect a stall in the weight loss due to muscle mass increasing etc. This is what I am thinking, wrong or right.

Last edited by Sparky on 7/25/13 9:18 AM; edited 1 time in total

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Paul Datars
Joined: 13 Jan 2004
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Location: Manotick, Ontario, Canada

7/24/13 6:41 PM

"just water"...yep.

I've lost as much as 8 and I've only got around 180 to begin with.

I weigh myself every morning and after every ride...if I'm not back up to weight overnight I know I going to have to really concentrate on drinking a lot that day, and/or be careful how hard.

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Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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7/24/13 11:43 PM

Weight Loss in Season

I personally had a slow struggle trying to drop pounds in season. Between hard rides, calorie requirements when riding in the heat and trying to recover. I found the best time to lose weight was during the winter months. Basically Oct-Dec.

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Joined: 13 Dec 2003
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7/25/13 8:10 AM

I weigh myself every morning and after every ride...if I'm not back up to weight overnight I know I going to have to really concentrate on drinking a lot that day, and/or be careful how hard.

That's a neat idea, I should give it a try. I never had a weight issue so I don't even own a scale, yet.

I struggle with hydration because my stomach don't seem to process the liquid efficiently enough to make it available for the body during the ride. I try to do my best to drink lots the day before the ride which I can feel helps. But to be able to "measure" the effect of hydration by weight would likely help some.

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Joined: 12 Apr 2004
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7/25/13 10:03 AM

Home body fat monitors use electrical impedance.

It's been my experience they measure dehydration at least as well as body fat.

Their measurements are relative day-to-day, NOT scientific gospel, there are so many other ways to measure body fat - and so many debates.

But it's interesting to see after a hot, hard, ride - and the next morning, your weight will go down and your body fat will go "up." <--note double quotes

So if you want to chart another set of data points consider the Omron models. (link)

This post isn't written to play Pinata with the hornets nest of Body Fat Measurement. TWO CENTS ISN'T WORTH FIGHTING OVER! ;-)

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Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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7/25/13 10:35 AM

My weight can fluctuate by 4 to 5 pounds over the course of a day. I work out in the mornings before breakfast so my low weight point is immediately after my workout. My high weight point is immediately after dinner and drinks. And my body-fat scale says my body-fat percentage varies between 7 and 11 percent over the course of a day - that gives you a sense of what hydration and weight does to that measurement.

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