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  Topic: Bro seeks a ruling

Replies: 12
Views: 26884

PostForum: CYCLING TECH TALK FORUM   Posted: 2/25/07 5:33 PM   Subject: Defense of Contributing Darning Members
Not only have Bro and I both donated substantially in the past, but I have already Paypalled my darning $20 to Antney today, just like I darning said I would.

Although Bro is a darned-up right/left ...
  Topic: Bro seeks a ruling

Replies: 12
Views: 26884

PostForum: CYCLING TECH TALK FORUM   Posted: 2/25/07 5:10 PM   Subject: WTD!?
"Forget all this unless Bro and TTCC is willing to put the $$ where their mouths are. Lets see them pledge."

What the darn are you talking about!? Like I said earlier today, I donated $20 to the fo ...
  Topic: Bro seeks a ruling

Replies: 12
Views: 26884

PostForum: CYCLING TECH TALK FORUM   Posted: 2/25/07 10:08 AM   Subject: Darning Voting
Why should I not darning vote? Didn't Bill Clinton, Greatest President of Any Nation Ever, get to vote in his own elections? Didn't George W Darning Bush, Worst President of All Time, get to vote in h ...
  Topic: Motion to un-sticky the Helmet Poll Thread

Replies: 22
Views: 29183

PostForum: CYCLING TECH TALK FORUM   Posted: 1/9/07 7:37 PM   Subject: Swearing Fee
"$.50/swear word fee"

Well, I just paid $50, so I better get to fucking work.

Hey, can someone please explain to Brodirt not to get so sensitive? On this kind of forum, everyone presents themsel ...
  Topic: Motion to un-sticky the Helmet Poll Thread

Replies: 22
Views: 29183

PostForum: CYCLING TECH TALK FORUM   Posted: 1/9/07 3:55 PM   Subject: Yeah
It's served its purpose. Let's use this thread to think up a new cool poll.

  Topic: A Request for Information - Helmets

Replies: 59
Views: 54965

PostForum: ARCHIVED POLLS   Posted: 1/3/07 3:37 PM   Subject: Hades Proxy
Oh yeah, I forgot. I'm operating a proxy server that allows dead people to connect to the Internet.

  Topic: A Request for Information - Helmets

Replies: 59
Views: 54965

PostForum: ARCHIVED POLLS   Posted: 1/3/07 3:11 PM   Subject: Huh?
"You won't hear anything coz they're all dead."

Someone voted in the poll from beyond the grave?

  Topic: A Request for Information - Helmets

Replies: 59
Views: 54965

PostForum: ARCHIVED POLLS   Posted: 12/31/06 11:18 AM   Subject: Not Exactly
"accidents where no head impact occurred, which are irrelevant to this discussion."

I don't think this is quite right, since there is a subset of head impacts that occurred while wearing a helmet t ...
  Topic: A Request for Information - Helmets

Replies: 59
Views: 54965

PostForum: ARCHIVED POLLS   Posted: 12/29/06 3:07 PM   Subject: A Request for Information - Helmets
I'd like to hear from whoever thought that their helmet increased the severity of an injury.

  Topic: A Request for Information - Helmets

Replies: 59
Views: 54965

PostForum: ARCHIVED POLLS   Posted: 12/21/06 9:14 PM   Subject: Yeh
That means you are susceptible to rational thinking.

  Topic: A Request for Information - Helmets

Replies: 59
Views: 54965

PostForum: ARCHIVED POLLS   Posted: 12/21/06 7:24 PM   Subject: Cool
I just voted.

  Topic: A Request for Information - Helmets

Replies: 59
Views: 54965

PostForum: ARCHIVED POLLS   Posted: 12/21/06 7:17 PM   Subject: Polling
"I'm looking for people's experiences with helmet use in accidents, and trying to come up with mutually exclusive responses."

The fact that I--who have crashed several times while wearing a helmet- ...
  Topic: A Request for Information - Helmets

Replies: 59
Views: 54965

PostForum: ARCHIVED POLLS   Posted: 12/21/06 7:01 PM   Subject: A Request for Information - Helmets
"It would include everyone who has never fallen or had an accident."

But isn't that part of the relevant population if the purpose of the poll is to get a sense for people's perception of the relat ...
  Topic: A Request for Information - Helmets

Replies: 59
Views: 54965

PostForum: ARCHIVED POLLS   Posted: 12/21/06 6:31 PM   Subject: Oh, and...
there is no "anti-helmet lobby". There are just people who aren't easily bullshitted by fancy-sounding malarky. If there is any "lobby", it is a pro-helmet one, funded by helmet companies (gee, what a ...
  Topic: A Request for Information - Helmets

Replies: 59
Views: 54965

PostForum: ARCHIVED POLLS   Posted: 12/21/06 6:29 PM   Subject: Another Option
What about: "I have never had an experience which has led me to believe that wearing a helmet has either increased or decreased the severity of any injury"?

  Topic: How Cold?

Replies: 37
Views: 16714

PostForum: CYCLING TECH TALK FORUM   Posted: 1/11/04 10:04 AM   Subject: Vote
OK, I give up. How do I post my vote?


EDIT: Never mind. Figured it out.

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